Exjobbsförslag från företag
Detta är ett uppsatsförslag hämtat från Nationella Exjobb-poolen. Klicka här för att komma tillbaka till samtliga exjobbsförslag.
Förslaget inkom 2010-06-30
Remote theatre
Background: The theatre has started to embrace information and communication technologies, ICT, in order to enable distributed production (e.g., actors, directors and audit at different physical locations) and to develop the art form (e.g., combine classical theatre with video contents).
To further explore the possibilities of ICT an immediate need for the theatre is to be able to access and use a two way video transmission system. Present systems are either typically too expensive, too difficult to use, or of too low quality. From a technical point of view the theatre requires high video quality, low delay, easy setup & usage – and all at a low cost.
Acreo’s role in this area is to be the technical expert that can support the theatre with solutions that fit their requirements. This includes deep knowledge within the area of video transmission, overview of state-of-the-art commercial equipment and an understanding of the conditions and needs of the theatre.
Depending on interests and time, the following tasks need to be done within the area.
Tasks for the project worker:
• Make an overview and comparison of existing videoconference/streaming technologies
• Implement a setup with Ixanon equipment that works over the internet. This should be done together with Kista Teater. The usability should be evaluated with regards to the following:
o Transmission to remote audience with possibility for two-way communication (some kind of feedback from the audience)
o Including video streams of “remote actors” as part of the production
• Assure that the setup is very simple to use. This may require some coding.
• Evaluate results under different circumstances – both the technical quality but also the user experience (director/producer and audit)
• Implement an solution where the theatre is streamed to IPTV so people can watch direct theatre in their own homes over the TV and/or the internet
• Test and evaluate theatre to the home with real end users. Acreo has a large test bed where this can be done.
Requirements: Good knowledge of video streaming, programming experience
Involved organizations: Acreo, Kista Teater, Ixanon, university/högskola X
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.