Exjobbsförslag från företag
Detta är ett uppsatsförslag hämtat från Nationella Exjobb-poolen. Klicka här för att komma tillbaka till samtliga exjobbsförslag.
Förslaget inkom 2010-09-16
Indoor Positioning using Fused Information from Wireless Sensor Networks
SICS and Saab offer an interesting master thesis in the area of wireless sensor networks and data fusion. The task of the student is to design and develop a system that uses different technologies (wireless sensor nodes, mobile phones) as sources of information. The collected information is fused to estimate the position of persons indoor, e.g. in a office environment.
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) is a non-profit research organization with approximately 100 researchers. The Networked Embedded Systems Group at SICS (http://www.sics.se/nes) is the leader research group in the WSN field in Europe. Their software is used by many companies worldwide in different ranges of products.
The thesis is a 20 week commitment (30 ECTS credits). Starting time is as soon as possible, decided in collaboration with the student. The thesis will be conducted as a cooperation between SICS and Saab in Kista. SICS will supply knowledge and a development environment for node protocols and applications.
Candidates must be interested in the development of embedded systems and mobile phone applications (Android). Knowledge, interest and experience in C-based programming are required as well as good knowledge in Java.
If you write an application, please provide us with a CV, your courses and grades. In addition, we appreciate an article, paper, thesis or other relevant documents you have written in your education in order to judge your ability to express yourself in English.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.