Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-03-09
Socio-economic impact of fibre-to-the-home
This thesis project will analyse the impact of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) deployment and the open access business model on a number of socio-economic indicators in municipalities across Sweden. The study will be performed by analysing data collected by a survey among a large number of municipalities, as well as other databases like Statistics Sweden’s, mainly by means of regression analysis.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION:: The Internet is argued to be a revolutionary technological development that will have an impact on many dimensions of life. More recently, the advent and quick growth of broadband access has made a large portion of the world population aware of the potential of this technology and its impact on daily life. In some countries this awareness has matured into a political persuasion that is directly or indirectly driving the development of broadband access, and in particular of future-proof Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH). The large investments required to deploy FTTH however, combined with the pressing calls for future access networks to be open to competition, is putting in question the traditional business model of vertically integrated telecommunications operators.
Alternative business models have been experimented with in recent years, and especially the so-called “open access” model, in which the roles of the service provider (SP) and the network owner are separated, and the service providers get access to network and the end customers on fair and non-discriminatory conditions. Furthermore, the roles of active and passive network operation can be separated into a technology-savvy network provider (NP) and a capital-intensive physical infrastructure provider (PIP). Depending on the specific configuration of the business actors and their value networks, different FTTH networks will work with different business-model flavours, and will be open at different levels. A large number of municipal access networks have been deployed in Sweden over the last 10 years. In this project we aim at studying these networks, and to investigate whether FTTH does indeed lead to socio-economic benefits, and whether these are positively related to the degree of openness.
The project will collect data by means of a survey (currently ongoing) among Municipal Administrations, Municipal Network Operators, and Housing Companies. Completing data can be further collected from other sources such as Statistics Sweden. The data will subsequently be processed by means of regression analysis, and the results will be processed and analysed together with Acreo’s researchers and market analysts. The ambition is to produce a report that can be of interest for the FTTH industry, the research community, as well as the public administration and the civil society at large.
REQUIRED SKILLS AND BACKGROUND: The thesis can be performed by single student or by a pair (total 30 credits). Successful candidates have an interest and education background in macro-economics, business economics and regression analysis. A curiosity about technology and its impact on society will give the candidates the right motivation to perform the study, and an ability to work independently and to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds will make their life a lot easier. Good knowledge of either English or Swedish (even better if both) is essential.
DURATION: 30 ECTS credits (högskolepoäng)
SARTING DATE: Spring 2011 (as soon as possible)
MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT AND ACREO: The project will be performed at Acreo’s premises in Kista. A 10,000 SEK retribution will be paid at project completion. Acreo is one of Europe's top research companies providing breaking edge results within the field of electronics, optics and communication technology. Acreo values gender and ethnic diversity.
CONTACTS:: Dr. Marco Forzati ([email protected]); phone: +46 8 632 7753
Tove Madsen ([email protected]); phone: +46 8 632 7786
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.