Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-04-08
Tool Integration, Web Services, Java, Transformation
Two Master Thesis in Tool Integration
The Challenge of Tool Integration
Modern development processes for embedded systems are supported by a number of specialized development tools. These tools are usually not integrated, thus information created in one tool cannot be used in other tools, forcing developers to rework and remodel existing models in each new tool used in the development process.
Tool integration is concerned with the relationships among tools, the properties of the relationship and the degree to which tools agree. The goal of tool integration is building an engineering environment of several development tools. The assumption of the research community is that an engineering environment with several integrated tools increases productivity and product quality.
Context of the Master Thesis
The work is motivated by current industrial needs and challenges within the embedded systems industry. Within this project we work together with major players in the embedded systems industry (e.g. ABB, Siemens, ...). Your task is within the iFEST project (http://artemis-ifest.eu/). The iFEST project has the goal to specify and implement an integration framework, which is built to simplify and support tool integration. Each engineering tool needs to be integrated with the framework by a tool adapter.
Master Thesis 1:
Your task will be the extension of an existing tool adapter for the simulation tool MATLAB/Simulink, used for model-based development of embedded systems. The tool adapters use web-services to expose the functionality in a standardized way. Your will both implement web-services and orchestrate them. Typical scenarios are starting a tool or calling the functionality of a tool. You will work within our research group and in close cooperation with our industrial partners.
Expected experience: Java, Eclipse, web services
Plus: model-based development (MATLAB/Simulink)
Master Thesis 2:
Currently, most tool adapters are created manually. Your task will be the automate the creation of tool adapters for EMF-based tools. Your tool allows the easy creation of tool adapters for new tools. You will work within our research group and in close cooperation with our industrial partners.
Expected experience: Java, Eclipse, knowledge in compiler construction
Plus: EMF, web services
A performance based payment for the project work is available. The project will last approx. 5-6 months and will be supervised by KTH.
Please send your application to Matthias Biehl ([email protected]) and include:
* which Master Thesis you are interested in (1,2)
* short motivation letter
* CV
* recent transcripts
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.