Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-07-12
One common system, compence development
VTC International division and European division have special departments for competence development, to support their dealer networks. These HQ-departments provide the different areas with process support and training development and delivery, to secure quality and efficiency in the competence development process of the dealers.
To support this work both divisions have implemented Competence Management IT-systems, but from different suppliers. VTC EUD is working with the LMS system from Volvo IT, while VTC ID is working with the Competence Portal from Unit 4 Agresso. VTC ID also have a specific Course Library module, which is connected to the competence portal. All course material is being distributed through this application.
In addition to this, all training material from VTC Aftermarket Training (AMT) is distributed through their portal; the AMTM.
Application ownership is currently placed within the CD-functions. Overall IT strategy and relation towards Volvo IT is handled by VTC CIO function.
The situation with two different systems is causing double cost and making cooperation between the two divisions more complex. Having one common system within both divisions would enable increased cooperation, shorter lead-times and lower maintenance cost, as well as development cost.
On the other hand, changing system will cause a lot of additional work and initial costs. To be able to make a sound decision on the long term strategy for IT support to the dealers competence development process, VTC ID and VTC EUD would like to perform a market-study on the subject.
Purpose and objective
The purpose of this assignment is to provide the CD-managers and CIO function with facts and information to enable a sound long term decision about IT-support to the dealers competence development process.
The objective is to perform a market-study, investigating available Competence Management/Learning Management systems on the market, that could meet the long term demands for IT-support of the Competence development process at Volvo trucks dealers.
Scope and limitation
The study should include the following steps:
Initial scanning of the market for Competence Management/Learning Management systems
In depth mapping and analysis of the 3-5 most suitable alternatives:
To what extent they fulfil the functional requirements from each division
The initial and running costs for the system/s
Implications of a decided change for each division
Recommendation of long term solution
The system should be able to support the processes in both divisions, according to their functional requirements. Special attention should be paid to the following:
Based on a standard platform – no “patchwork”
Well tested and used by global customers
Usability – easy to use for non frequent users
Clear processes for different users (Manager, Employee, Administrator)
Good system documentation
Good report functionality, provide simple and clear feedback to the business
Stable support organization
If possible – opportunity to integrate with other Volvo systems for user admin, invoicing, PBP etc
The running IT cost for the recommended system should not exceed the sum of todays cost for both divisions.
Timeline and organization:
Thesis Student team:
1-2 students;
Master Industrial engineering & Management, Applied system science, or similar background.
Reference team: Karin Johansson, Karin Färnlöf Clarin, Johan Cruse
Assignment responsible: Johan Kumlin and Anna-Karin Jansson
Start up September, finalized December.
To Assignment responsible – biweekly
To reference team - 6 weeks frequency
Market study report, including analysis of alternatives and recommendation
Final Presentation
For more information, please contact:
Karin Färnlöf Clarin, Competence Development Manager VTC International Division, +46 31 323 35 70
Karin Johansson, Competence Development Manager VTC European Division, +46 31 322 85 97
We want your application no later than August 15, 2011
Please apply at www.volvogroup.com/career
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.