Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-08-29
Green Product Design
Category: Product development/Mechanical engineering
Scope: 2 students completing 30 credits (20 weeks) each
Axis´ work on sustainability issues has the intention to create value for shareholders and other stakeholders as well as build relations and take responsibility in social and environmental matters. As these issues grow in global awareness, customers are beginning to demand for all types of products to be both socially sustainable and environmentally considerate. The interest in environmentally-friendly product design is rapidly growing in both the market and the education sector, where the term ´green´ technology is used to describe this area. Axis´ ambition is that ´green´ considerations shall be applied in the entire value chain, from choice of materials in components to use of the finished product. Axis product development engineers, therefore, have the responsibility to be updated with the latest ´green´ design considerations, ´green´ materials, and ´green´ manufacturing processes.
The goal of this thesis is to produce usable tools and information to help Axis R&D become better product designers who are more aware of what can be done to develop products to be ´green´ design. The thesis shall consider three major aspects of product design considerations: material choice, manufacturing methods, and recycling/disposal at the end of product life. As part of the thesis, a report or clarification shall be generated showing the environmental impact of current Axis products, to be used as a benchmark for future product development in Axis R&D.
Educational background:
Master student in mechanical engineering, material science, product development, with a strong interest for environmental sustainability.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.