Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-12-05
Environmental costs – how do we get the right price?
Företag/Company: CPM
CPM – the Swedish Life Cycle Center is a center of excellence for the advance of applied life cycle thinking in industry and other parts of society. We see improvement of the environmental performance of products and services as an important and natural part of sustainable development. The work within CPM is characterized by close and continuous interaction between academia, applied research institutes, industry and government. Our members are ABB, Akzo Nobel, Chalmers University of Technology, IVL, SCA, SKF, SP, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Volvo Group.
European Union has in IPP (Integrated Product Policy) mentioned an aim to include external environmental costs in products’ prices, Get the price right. But what are right prices? Getting the prices right could be described as internalizing costs, which means putting a monetary value on the externalities that arise due to for example air pollution that impacts on human health or biodiversity. External costs have to be correctly considered and included in a product’s price in order to give the product their real cost. Estimation of external costs is not an easy task due to lack of consensus of methods and also due to uncertainties related to the estimated values.
To investigate and report which different methods that are available to find the right prices, i.e. for monetization of externalities.
Aim and method
The aim is to describe available methods to assess “right prices” of products in a transparent way and to recommend which methods that may be used and may be developed further for later use. Further, the aim is to identify gaps, for example, which externalities or impact categories are not included in the methods used and identify the reasons to this.
In addition, the different methods and results shall (if possible) be related and compared to existing Swedish policy instruments. LCA (life cycle assessment) methodology may be used to describe the externalities. CBAs (Cost-benefit assessment) use different methods to assess the external costs. To find LCA and CBA information, literature studies, databases, software, web searches and interviews can be used.
The product system shall be described according to ISO’s LCA standard and the monetization of external costs with respect to cost estimation method, including information on discounting, temporal and geographical issues. The thesis final scope and boundaries will be determined in consultation between the student and CPM.
Förkunskaper/ education background
Examensarbetet är lämpligt för dig som läser ekonomi. Your education should be in the field of economics.
Examensarbetet omfattar 30 hp och ska helst skrivas på masternivå.
Kontaktperson Miljöbron/ Contact person Miljöbron
Maria Rydberg, tel. 0766-12 17 51
E-mail your Cv, cover letter and a list of taken courses to Miljöbrons contact person: [email protected]
Maila CV, personligt brev och kursförteckning till Miljöbrons kontaktperson: [email protected]
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.