Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-12-12
Thesis Proposal: Generic Traffic Simulation Environment for Volvo Technology Corporation
Recent advances in sensing and vehicle technologies have enabled significant progresses in the area of the active safety of passenger cars. Safety systems, assisting the driver in complex accident avoidance maneuvers, are of high interest and expected to be in the market soon.
Different sensors and sensor fusion algorithms have been developed to provide information to describe the traffic situation for active safety functions. However, development of active safety functions requires clear understanding and insight of the sensor performance and dynamics. This motivates the idea of a Generic traffic simulation environment which can facilitate development of active safety and ADAS systems.
PreScan is an example of simulation environment for the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) which can satisfy our need. This is a tool which allows us to simulate sensors, sensors performance and also traffic scenarios. For further details, visit www.tno.nl. However, the PreScan environment has not developed to support heavy vehicle simulations.
Description of thesis work:
The aim with this projet is to develop an environment which covers all interesting scenarios for active safety systems. This includes genralizing the environment for deffirent heavy vehicle configurations.
Two main outcomes are expected from this master thesis: (i) Integration of the already developed vehicle model which is a simulink library with the Prescan environment and create an interface toward different heavy vehicle configurations (ii) the development of the traffic simulation environment to be used for active safety function design. That is, to create graphical interface for creating a scenario and animation environment to run the scenario.
We are searching for:
Two highly motivated students from the master program in Computer science, Automotive engineering, Engineering Physics or students with a similar background. Knowledge in Simulink environment is highly appreciated.
For further information, please contact:
Mansour Keshavarz, System Engineer, Volvo Technology, tel + 46 31 32 29215
Frida Ramde, Group Manager, Volvo Technology, tel +46 31 32 262 73
Please apply at www.volvogroup.com/career
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.