Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2007-11-22
Functional Nanofibers and Nanostructures
Master Thesis Opportunities at IFP Research (The Swedish Institute for Fiber and Polymer Research, http://www.ifp.se), Mölndal
Nanofibers are an exciting new class of functional materials that can be used in various nanotechnological applications. Due to the nanometer diameter of the fiber, the very high surface area per unit mass, the very small pore size, their tunable surface properties, and many other unique characteristics, nanofibers are an interesting material for new nanostructural applications.
The electrospinning process generates polymeric nanofibers that form a porous matrix. During electrospinning, a high voltage is applied between a drop of polymer solution and a target plate. Nanofibers are formed from the polymer jet when it becomes narrowed by an increasing surface charge density, which in turn results from solvent evaporation. This electrostatic process allows continuous production of fibers ranging from a few nanometers to over 1 mm in diameter, and it can be used to prepare nanofibers from a wide range of biopolymer and polymer materials
In this project we will design and develop functional nanofibers and nanostructures utilising the electrospinning processing, that can be used for various applications such as:
(i) for various biomedical utilizations, (scaffolding used in tissue engineering, wound dressing, drug delivery, implants), or
(ii) for nano-opto-electronic production technology, (sensors, nanowires, LEDs, photocells, structures for nano-electronic machines, etc) or
(iii) for environmental protection applications, (catalysis, multifunctional membranes, filter media, speciality fabrics, etc) or
(iv) for nanocomposites applications (composite materials reinforcement) or
(v) for nanoceramic applications, among others.
For more info about IFP and our projects please visit: http://www.ifp.se, and http://www.ifp.se/index.aspx?PTID=3&PID=13853&NUMID=2
Students interested in doing master thesis projects at IFP Research are welcome to contact Dr Ioannis S. Chronakis ([email protected])
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