Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2006-08-15
Multiplayer casual gaming for IPTV
With DSL, cable and fiber/LAN access growing in availability, broadband networks are gaining in acceptance in European households. At the same time the digitization of the TV Industry is continuing in a rapid pace. This development has created a market for TV distribution with IP technology, so called IPTV. Examples of platforms for this TV distribution include e.g Swedish-based Tilgin and Kreatel.
These new platforms will, aside of their main purpose, (i.e. watching TV & movies) enable the consumer to access new types of content/applications, add-on functionality and other types of home network connectivity. Accedo Broadband is aggregating and creating a portfolio of leading applications for cross-platform usage for new types of IPTV clients.
One of the most attractive add-on services is casual gaming. Laid-back gaming with well-known concepts has proven attractive for use in front of the TV, with a remote control. Multiplayer functionality will further add to the attraction of casual gaming.
This thesis work will specify, design and develop a multi-player gaming module for IPTV. The module should be separate from the games themselves and multi-player functionality should be possible to integrate in different game concepts via an API.
Three different multi-player gaming modes will be examined:
• Challenge mode (one-on-one gaming, e.g. Chess, Backgammon etc)
• Table mode (many-to-many gaming, e.g. Poker and other card games)
• Tournament mode (structure of several Challenge and Table modes)
The Thesis work will adapt a selection of existing games into multi-player gaming versions for demonstration and testing purposes.
The project is suitable for 1-2 thesis workers for 20 credits. Size can be adjusted with choice of applications and depth of functionality.
The thesis requires knowledge and interest of programming in e.g. Java and C/C++, as well as Internet, Linux and networking technology. A personal interest and drive for the technical development of consumer electronics and TV is greatly appreciated.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.