Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2006-02-28
Molecular characterisation of the microbial community in moist cereal grain storage
Cereal feed grains can be stored as ensilages, keeping the natural water content of the grain and giving room for the development of a specific microbial community under oxygen limited conditions that helps to conserve the material and prevents the growth of unwanted microorganisms. This method saves energy and costs compared to the commonly used drying of the grain. Recently, a new method of ensilaging has been introduced, where the grain is packed and stored in plastic tubes until use. This method stably conserves the stored material, however, nothing is known about the microbial basis of the conservation.
Microorganisms, beside of conserving the material, can also be an excellent source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. They can even break down phytate, the major storage form of phosphate, which cannot be utilised by monogastric animals.
It is our aim to ferment stored feed grain with the help of microorganisms that are specifically adapted to the conditions of feed storage. This shall primary lead to a better protein supply by the feed using national resources and to a better utilisation of the phosphate in the feed, which will decrease the load that is put on the environment by the agricultural production.
We are collecting grain samples from whole Sweden from different grain materials from different time points of the conservation process. In the course of the master thesis (examensarbete) the microbial diversity in these samples will be investigated, with a special focus on lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. This will create an insight about the microbial diversity in grain storage depending on material and local conditions and a survey about the microbial succession during the storage process. Based on the results we can select appropriate microorganisms for further fermentations.
The investigation of the microbial diversity will be performed using molecular methods (PCR-fingerprinting, partial sequencing of rRNA-genes).
¿ Cultivation of microorganisms, selective growth media, strain conservation
¿ DNA -isolation, PCR-techniques, gel electrophoresis
¿ Sequence analysis using databases and software tools (BLAST, SRS)
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.