Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2006-02-06
Analysis and Implementation of a Data Collection Tool for use in live experiments
Up until recently the research-then-transfer approach has been the most common way to conduct software engineering research. This approach has however proven inadequate, failing both to find relevant research questions and to influence practitioners. Instead researchers are moving towards more empirically oriented approaches, such as industry-as-laboratory, conducting research in close cooperation with industry. Methods used to evaluate research questions include, but are not limited to, realistic experiments, both on- and off-line, surveys and case studies. The collection of both qualitative and quantitative data from developers is a very important part of all such research.
At this time our research group is working towards the establishment of a Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) in collaboration with industrial partners. In the pre-studies conducted we have identified the need of an adaptive, easy-to-use data collection tool. It is important that the tool is easy to use to assure that data collection do not take more time than necessary from the developers¿ other work activities and to keep their commitment to the project. Furthermore it is important that the tool is easily adaptable to different research projects and the collection of different types of data.
The thesis consists of two main parts. You will start by performing an analysis resulting in a taxonomy of which different types of data that is likely to be collected in future research projects. The second part is the implementation of an easy-to-use, adaptable data collection tool. The tool should have a software architecture enabling extensions and is preferably developed employing an agile development process. The data collection interface of the tool should be in the form of a web-application (implemented in PHP or JSP) while administrative interfaces can be constructed either as web- or free-standing applications (using Java or C/C++). Thus the thesis consists of both a theoretical study and the practical implementation of a software tool.
Background knowledge in the implementation languages used is necessary while knowledge in HMI and agile development as well as an interest in software engineering issues in general are preferable.
The estimated extent of this thesis is 40p (2*20) and it is thus suitable for two master students.
Contact Fredrik Pettersson ([email protected]) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers, Göteborg for more information or to apply.
In addition take a look at http://www.ce.chalmers.se/research/group/se/masterthesis.htm
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.