Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2005-09-13
FFT and Wavelets implementation (FPGA)
Place: KTH ¿Albanova
No. of students: 1-2
General Area: Software/Hardware
Thomas Lindblad (Phone 0855378184, e-mail: [email protected])
José Chilo (Phone 026-648449, e-mail: [email protected])
FPGA and DSP represent two very different approaches to signal processing ¿ each good at different things.
The DSP is a specialised microprocessor - typically programmed in C, perhaps with assembly code for performance. It is limited in performance by the clock rate, and the number of useful operations it can do per clock. In contrast, an FPGA is an uncommitted sea of gates. The device is programmed by connecting the gates together to form multipliers, registers, adders and so forth. This is done at a block-diagram level. Many blocks can be very high level ¿ ranging from a single gate to an FIR or Transforms. Their performance is limited by the number of gates they have and the clock rate.
There are many high sampling rate applications that an FPGA does easily, while the DSP could not. Equally, there are many complex software problems that the FPGA cannot address.
This project aims to implement FFT and Wavelets in FPGA. This work involves VHDL implementation and testing in an appropriate hardware simulation environment. The ultimate application is to show the spectra in real time from the infrasound signals of three microphones.
The hardware simulation environment is LiveDesign from Altium. LiveDesign is a set of capabilities enabled by the integration of a LiveDesign-enabled reconfigurable platform such as Altium¿s vendor independent ¿NanoBoard¿ or ¿LiveDesign Evaluation Kit¿, which allows rapid and interactive, real-time implementation and debugging the FPGA design.
The project requires an understanding of VHDL programming, software development techniques, DSP and the ability to work as part of a team.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.