Exjobbsförslag från företag
Detta är ett uppsatsförslag hämtat från Nationella Exjobb-poolen. Klicka här för att komma tillbaka till samtliga exjobbsförslag.
Förslaget inkom 2005-06-09
Encrypted Resource Allocation Tickets for Time-critical Production Database Systems
Cross-enterprise database systems provide information to a large variety of activities within a corporation. Although, centralised information management provides better data consistency and access mechanisms, there can be issues with load balancing, denial of service (DOS) due to malfunctioning software, and timeliness guaranties for production.
Through preassigned resource allocation, the shared central database system can be partially protected from overload and execution times of production applications can become more predictable. Such resource allocation tickets must be encrypted (i.e. crypto-signed) to prevent tampering.
The task of this exjob is to develop a resource allocation system where crypto-signed resource tickets determine how much resources a particular application can use in terms of CPU, IO, and diskstorage. The problem becomes non-trivial due to the requirement that tickets be of limited length, and the need for high performance in the server (and consequently in the verification of the crypto-signature).
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.