Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2005-01-24
Design and implementation of a constraint satisfaction algorithm for meal planning
For people of old age, malnutrition is a surprisingly common problem. Such malnutrition comes from a lack of variation in food intake, among other things, and is a common cause of hospitalisation among the elderly.
A research project at the laboratory for intelligent information systems at the department of computer science (at LiTH), is developing a meal planning system targeted at this malnutrition problem. This system will provide the user with a suggested meal plan for a specified time period. This meal plan will be optimised based on several criteria including cost, ingredients available to the user, meal preparation time, the user's food taste, dietal restrictions, variation of ingredients, etc. This exjobb is about designing and implementing the algorithm for performing the meal plan. The starting point is an existing constrant satisfaction algorithm, which must be analysed and adapted to the meal planning problem.
Note that this type of meal planning system is not only of value for old people, but also for people with busy lifestyles (e.g. families with young children), or people in general who want to follow a more healthy diet adapted to their needs and preferences.
This exjobb is suitable for students (e.g. from C, D, or IT programmes at LiTH) with an interest in artificial intelligence, data structures, and algorithms. Experience in the Java programming language is a distinct advantage.
Task description
1. An existing constraint satisfaction algorithm must be analysed and adapted to the meal planning problem.
2. The adapted algorithm must be implemented in Java.
3. The implemented algorithm must be evaluated in terms of computational performance (execution time), based on real food recipe data (exists), and complementary artificially generated data.
4. Document the design and the implementation, and describe the evaluation results in the exjobb report (written in English or Swedish).
Please contact Dr. Johan Åberg (johab@ida DOT liu DOT se) for further information.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.