Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2004-03-05
Atherosclerosis an amyloid disease?
Amyloid is insoluble fibrillar protein deposited in the extra cellular space. The resulting heterogeneous group of disorders is called amyloidosis. The fibril formation may be lethal through organ failure because of the persistence and accumulation of the deposits or by a toxic mechanism. Today about 20 different proteins are known to be deposited in tissues as amyloid and associated with disease, for example Alzheimer's disease and type-2-diabetes.
This project is an investigation of the impact of the amyloid in atherosclerotic plaques. Understanding the relationship between amyloidosis, atherosclerosis and inflammation may give rise to new knowledge of the pathogenesis of an important disease and perhaps to new medicines for treatment of vascular diseases in the future. An investigation of this amyloid protein can also give insight to other amyloid diseases.
Because this is a new PhD project a lot of different experiments have to be performed, for example we would like help with the isolation and identification of this new amyloid protein. This will be an exciting task to solve for an interested student! It is absolutely crucial to find out which protein that is involved in order to proceed with other interesting and important features of the protein, like why it is deposited in atherosclerotic plaques and if it is of pathogenetic importance in this disease. It is also important to investigate the prevalence of the amyloid in atherosclerotic plaques in order to be able to understand the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The methods will be various protein techniques like gel chromatography, HPLC, Western blot, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and others. The work will be performed in the funniest group at the Rudbeck laboratory- the amyloid group.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.