Sökning: "Wind energy"

Hittade 14 exjobbsförslag från svenska företag, som innehöll ordet Wind energy.

Inkom Exjobbsförslag
2011-10-05The use of critical raw materials in passenger cars (inaktivt)
2011-07-08Investigation study on the relation between the power production of wind farms and atmospheric modeling results. (inaktivt)
2011-04-21Inductive charging of electrical vehicles – application and economical aspects (inaktivt)
2011-04-21Inductive charging of electrical vehicles - system study (inaktivt)
2010-08-26Thesis work: Design and optimization of the SeaTwirl 1:50 prototype. (inaktivt)
2010-08-26Thesis work: 1:500 scale test of the SeaTwirl technology. (inaktivt)
2010-08-23Thesis work: Analysis of the economics in a new energy innovation. (inaktivt)
2010-06-09Principal Components and Pattern Recognition of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves (inaktivt)
2009-12-18Internship on the exciting energy sector of wind power (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Multi-satellite measurements of solar wind plasma structures (inaktivt)
2008-01-10Kopia av Multi-satellite measurements of solar wind plasma structures (inaktivt)
2006-12-07Microtechnology for Experimental Space Plasma Physics (inaktivt)
2006-05-06MHD Energy Flux in the Solar Wind (inaktivt)
2005-04-22MHD Energy Flux in the Solar Wind (inaktivt)

Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.