2012-03-26 | Machine learning algorithm for a neural network car- following model (inaktivt) |
2012-03-20 | Prognostik for kraftförsörjning i IVHM-system (inaktivt) |
2012-03-15 | Service exchange web platform (inaktivt) |
2012-03-05 | Mutation testning of flying S/W (inaktivt) |
2012-03-05 | Quality of Experience for 2D or 3D video (inaktivt) |
2012-03-05 | Stereoskopisk videokommunikation (inaktivt) |
2012-03-01 | Cue combination for object recognition (inaktivt) |
2012-02-27 | Thesis project Volvo Aero (inaktivt) |
2012-02-22 | Master Thesis Log analysis tool (inaktivt) |
2012-02-15 | Low-friction coating on NDE probes (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | Validation of Traffic Impact Model using Air Quality Data (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | Intelligent and Multi-objective Traffic Controls (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | In the Field of Avionics Engineering (inaktivt) |
2012-02-10 | SiC semiconductors in switched mode power supply (inaktivt) |
2012-02-06 | Master degree project - GE Healthcare Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2012-02-06 | Automatic tests (inaktivt) |
2012-02-06 | Continuous Integration (inaktivt) |
2012-02-02 | Device Discovery Protocol (inaktivt) |
2012-01-30 | Analysis and Refinement of Snow Removal Invention (inaktivt) |
2012-01-27 | Aurenav Internship Program (inaktivt) |
2012-01-27 | Master Thesis: Tool Integration with SOA, MDD and Java Development (inaktivt) |
2012-01-26 | Mobile App Back-end Infrastructure (inaktivt) |
2012-01-26 | Mode management in embedded systems in cars (1-2 students) (inaktivt) |
2012-01-25 | Thesis work - Assess the feasibility of using an open-source code for parallel fluid dynamics calculations (inaktivt) |
2012-01-19 | Ship Routing Using Ensemble Forecasts (inaktivt) |
2012-01-19 | Do you want to develop an iPhone app as your Master thesis…?
”Effektivt utnyttjande av extern databas vid iPhone app-utveckling” (inaktivt) |
2012-01-17 | Multivariate comparison of voxel-based versus morphometric analysis (inaktivt) |
2012-01-16 | Study and development of event triggered single burst power cells (inaktivt) |
2012-01-16 | Investigation of Wideband Radio Transmitters and Receivers for Localization (inaktivt) |
2012-01-09 | Investigating Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strain variability (inaktivt) |
2012-01-09 | Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed: Emissions (Master Thesis- 5/6 months- FRANCE) (inaktivt) |
2012-01-03 | Develop an iPhone app (inaktivt) |
2011-12-21 | Thesis work - Development and validation of a new method for lipid extraction of animal tissue samples (inaktivt) |
2011-12-21 | Intelligent Algorithms for Damage Detection in Bridges using
Wireless Sensor Networks (inaktivt) |
2011-12-20 | Industrial Design - Electronics Enclosure designed in CAD, Solid Modeling (inaktivt) |
2011-12-20 | Film forming, bionic, environmentally benign corrosion inhibitions. (inaktivt) |
2011-12-19 | New study on socio-economic impact of fibre-to-the-home (inaktivt) |
2011-12-12 | Thesis Proposal: Visualisation Tool for Sensor Data Fusion for Volvo Technology Corporation (inaktivt) |
2011-12-12 | proof-of-concept study: DSP algorithm development for detection of wheel defects on freight trains. (inaktivt) |
2011-12-12 | Thesis Proposal: Pedestrian Detection for Volvo Technology Corporation (inaktivt) |
2011-12-12 | Thesis Proposal: Generic Traffic Simulation Environment for Volvo Technology Corporation (inaktivt) |
2011-12-08 | Examensarbete – Vattenfall Research and Development AB i samarbete med Mark- och Vattenteknik, KTH (inaktivt) |
2011-12-08 | Software Metrics for Perl code (inaktivt) |
2011-12-06 | Electronics Design - Product Development (inaktivt) |
2011-12-05 | Creating a virtualized model for common hardware platform for LTE (inaktivt) |
2011-12-05 | Environmental costs – how do we get the right price? (inaktivt) |
2011-12-05 | How do companies work with tomorrows cost regarding the environment? (inaktivt) |
2011-11-29 | Investigating Ways To Build CQRS Read Models (inaktivt) |
2011-11-24 | Novel bionic surface modification methods (inaktivt) |
2011-11-24 | Appar och sociala medier (1-2 pers) (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Detection of Low Probability of Intercept Radar Emitters (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Control of footstep sounds using real-time motion caption (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Software tool for the real-time generation and control of footstep sounds (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Sound feedback for improving energy consumption in marathon running (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Sound feedback for the optimization of performance in running (inaktivt) |
2011-11-22 | Master thesis work in high speed signal integrity analysis (inaktivt) |
2011-11-14 | MIM: Formsprutbarhet och partikelstorleksfördelning (inaktivt) |
2011-11-14 | Modification of particle size distribution for high sintered density (inaktivt) |
2011-11-14 | PMC: Modeling particle size distribution of metal powders (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Thesis project: Improve and Secure the Supplier Capacity Process in Greater China (Shanghai, Chenzhen and Qingdao)
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Thesis project: Sustainability product score-card assessment for running range
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Thesis project: Investigate new materials for IKEA vases, bowls and plant pot range
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-11-08 | Cluster analysis for patterns of temporal association in Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2011-11-08 | Thesis work - Global Purchasing Volvo Logistics (inaktivt) |
2011-11-03 | Interaction Design Program in Singapore! (inaktivt) |
2011-11-01 | Semantic Formats for Emergency Management (inaktivt) |
2011-11-01 | Borlänge-Wuhan a business collaboration with focus on the cleantech area (inaktivt) |
2011-10-31 | A gps-based and wireless 3-dimensional sound effect system (inaktivt) |
2011-10-28 | Thesis project/Student assignment: Moments within production of hinges
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-10-25 | Thesis work - Development of chromatographic screening methods for a deeper understanding of ligand-serum protein interactions in Drug Discovery. Location AstraZeneca Mölndal. (inaktivt) |
2011-10-24 | Engineering project in Marabou confectionary plant! (inaktivt) |
2011-10-17 | ChIP-Enrich: a tool to visualize, analyze and report-locus driven approaches of ChIP-Seq data. A Web-Resource. (inaktivt) |
2011-10-17 | ChIP-Enrich: Explore, Analyze and Report-locus driven approaches of ChIP-Seq data. (inaktivt) |
2011-10-13 | Kringgjutning av låg- och medelaktivt kärnavfall (inaktivt) |
2011-10-13 | Unraveling sympathetic influences on type II diabetes:
Effects of ß-adrenergic stimulation of glucose uptake in skeletal muscles (inaktivt) |
2011-10-13 | Exjobbare till Syntronic Research and Development AB i Gävle (inaktivt) |
2011-10-12 | Performance measure databases (inaktivt) |
2011-10-05 | sponsored thesis: Game Development (inaktivt) |
2011-10-03 | EIDES – Ett utvecklingsverktyg för säkerhetskritisk programvara (inaktivt) |
2011-09-27 | Wearable Computing/Mobile Augmented Reality Support for Repair Engineers (inaktivt) |
2011-09-23 | Moving towards component based software development for train control applications (inaktivt) |
2011-09-20 | Automatic Seal Identification in Aerial Images from the Arctic (inaktivt) |
2011-09-20 | Utveckling av ett automatiserat hörseltest för spädbarn i samarbete med Stockholms universitet, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset och Tobii Technologies (inaktivt) |
2011-09-09 | Green Product Design (inaktivt) |
2011-08-29 | Innovative Health Apps Development (inaktivt) |
2011-08-29 | Green Product Design (inaktivt) |
2011-08-26 | Enterprise Architecture Modeling at KTH (inaktivt) |
2011-08-22 | Paid Master Thesis – Vibration Analysis for Optimization of Land Based Oil and Gas Drilling Operations. (inaktivt) |
2011-08-22 | sponsored project: "Pre-study: solid-state power transformer" (inaktivt) |
2011-08-22 | Heat Exchangers for Future Heavy Commercial Vehicle Powertrains with reduced CO2 emissions (inaktivt) |
2011-08-17 | Detection of Low Probability of Intercept Radar Emitters (inaktivt) |
2011-08-15 | Master of Science Thesis: Modeling Software Development Tool Chains (inaktivt) |
2011-08-15 | Integrated description of system architecture (inaktivt) |
2011-08-12 | Master thesis opportunity in Social Sustainability (inaktivt) |
2011-08-08 | Sport, Finance and Graphical Design interested IT Student for GUI Design Thesis. (inaktivt) |
2011-08-08 | Sport, Finance and System Development interested students for System Design and Architecture Thesis Assignment. (inaktivt) |
2011-07-28 | Development of new treatment strategies for allergic disease (inaktivt) |
2011-07-22 | Master thesis in the field of model-based development of automotive embedded systems (inaktivt) |
2011-07-19 | Kopia av Characterization of spruce bark polysaccharides (inaktivt) |
2011-07-18 | Ex-jobb inom mjukvaruutveckling (inaktivt) |
2011-07-12 | One common system, compence development (inaktivt) |
2011-07-12 | development of a model for project/portfoli uncertainty (inaktivt) |
2011-07-08 | Investigation study on the relation between the power production of wind farms and atmospheric modeling results. (inaktivt) |
2011-06-29 | Development of clinical research computing environment (inaktivt) |
2011-06-27 | Examensarbete inom bransch analys och marknadsintervjuer (inaktivt) |
2011-06-27 | Master theses on traffic simulation, impact models and sustainable traffic control (inaktivt) |
2011-06-23 | Industrial User Experience development (inaktivt) |
2011-06-23 | Novel bionic surface modification methods (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | Development and commercialization of HaloPlex PCR for next-generation DNA sequencing (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | Vidareutveckling av ett automatiserat hörseltest för spädbarn:
Metodutveckling och kodjustering (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | Android Touch Pads and HTML5 for Healthcare Apps (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | Master Thesis (Examensarbete)(1): Smartphone Apps, 30 ECTS (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | Master Thesis (Examensarbete)(2): Smartphone Apps, 30 ECTS (inaktivt) |
2011-06-17 | Utveckling av system mellan smartphone och web (2 pers) (inaktivt) |
2011-06-09 | Thesis project: Analyze laws and standards for product development and product requirements
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-06-08 | Biosensor studies on cells (inaktivt) |
2011-06-01 | Thesis project: The mechanics of concealed hinges
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-05-19 | Development of modified release systems for use in early preclinical studies (inaktivt) |
2011-05-17 | Master Thesis (Examensarbete): Smartphone Apps (inaktivt) |
2011-05-17 | Power quality analysis in the 130 KV connection of an 110 MW wind farm (inaktivt) |
2011-05-10 | Interaction design for tools for game design documentation (inaktivt) |
2011-04-29 | Master Thesis proposal - SKF Group Manufacturing Development Centre (inaktivt) |
2011-04-28 | Identification of the arthritis regulating gene in APLEC (inaktivt) |
2011-04-28 | Epigenetic regulation of experimental arthritis (inaktivt) |
2011-04-21 | Thesis project/ Student assignment: Surface and mechanical definition- a quality project
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-04-19 | Using magnetic fields to prevent microorganism growth (inaktivt) |
2011-04-14 | Fibre network structure generation and analysis in C++ (inaktivt) |
2011-04-11 | Thesis: The influence of surface roughness on the corrosion resistance of stainless steel. (inaktivt) |
2011-04-08 | Tool Integration, Web Services, Java, Transformation (inaktivt) |
2011-04-08 | Analyse and conceptual desing of energy efficient small appliances (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | Air quality visualization for underground mine automation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | GUI for mobile assets tracking in underground mines (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | Communication and instrumentation GUI for underground mine automation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | Spatial data model & GUI for underground mine automation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-23 | Sealability of paper packaging containing bioplastics and conventional plastics (inaktivt) |
2011-03-23 | High availability application development on Microsoft platforms (inaktivt) |
2011-03-14 | IT Security: Authentication Token Provisioning (inaktivt) |
2011-03-10 | Patent licensiering och intrång undersökning / Patent licensing and infringement investigation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Socio-economic impact of fibre-to-the-home (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Short-time overloading of power transformers (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Aeration Machine for Deep Waters of the Baltic (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Comparison and Evaluation of Opensource Cloud Management Software (inaktivt) |
2011-03-04 | IT och verksamhetsutveckling inom Research & Development (inaktivt) |
2011-02-25 | Innovative IT System for HIV clinics in developing countries (inaktivt) |
2011-02-24 | Innovative IT System for maternity clinics in developing countries (inaktivt) |
2011-02-23 | Control of animal behavior using optogenetics and development of new equipment (inaktivt) |
2011-02-23 | Control of animal behavior using optogenetics and development of new equipment (inaktivt) |
2011-02-23 | Optogenetic and genetic dissection of the limbic system (inaktivt) |
2011-02-17 | M.Sc.Thesis: Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing technology assessment (inaktivt) |
2011-02-10 | Development of a DSC technique for analysis of aluminium in collaboration with Sapa (inaktivt) |
2011-02-08 | Definition and Implementation of Simulated, Intelligent Behaviour (inaktivt) |
2011-02-07 | FE modelling technique for NVH (inaktivt) |
2011-02-02 | Porting Linux to a Hypervisor Based Embedded System (inaktivt) |
2011-01-20 | Vibration analysis of electronic unit (inaktivt) |
2011-01-19 | Sensor Network Optimizations Using Software Defined Radio Techniques (inaktivt) |
2011-01-17 | Development and comparison of analytical methods for the quantification of residual host cell DNA (inaktivt) |
2011-01-17 | Ethernet for Automotive – Physical Layer Implementation (inaktivt) |
2011-01-17 | Ethernet for Automotive – Protocol implementation and Scania adaptation (inaktivt) |
2011-01-17 | Metodutveckling och jämförelse av analysmetoder för kvantifiering av värdcells DNA (inaktivt) |
2011-01-13 | Metoder för hållbara innovationer- Methods for sustainable innovation (inaktivt) |
2011-01-11 | Short-time overloading of power transformers (inaktivt) |
2011-01-07 | High availability application development on Microsoft platforms (inaktivt) |
2011-01-03 | Cluster analysis for patterns of temporal association (inaktivt) |
2011-01-03 | Computational optimization with GPU-based implementations (inaktivt) |
2011-01-03 | Text mining pharmaceutical data (inaktivt) |
2010-12-26 | Utveckling av Android miljö och applikation (inaktivt) |
2010-12-22 | Development of model for environmental impact of consolidation in 4PL supply chain (inaktivt) |
2010-12-22 | HPLC analysis of oxidation products in polyunsaturated triglyceride oils (inaktivt) |
2010-12-22 | Determination of furan fatty acids in natural triglyceride oils (inaktivt) |
2010-12-21 | Node.js and implications of Javascript on the Server Side (inaktivt) |
2010-12-21 | Biosensor studies on cells (inaktivt) |
2010-12-21 | En praktikant/exjobbare (inaktivt) |
2010-12-20 | Reduction of Non-specific Adsorption of Proteins in a Microfluidic System (inaktivt) |
2010-12-16 | Användarvänlighet vid iPhone app-utveckling (inaktivt) |
2010-12-06 | FEM-models for pedestrian protection active system (inaktivt) |
2010-12-03 | Studie av Winter-Kennedy metoden för flödesmätning i vattenturbiner (inaktivt) |
2010-12-01 | Fibre network structure generation and analysis in C++ (inaktivt) |
2010-12-01 | Misuse objects for pedestrian protection sensing development (inaktivt) |
2010-11-30 | Mobile Application Recommender Thesis (inaktivt) |
2010-11-25 | Groupwise electrokinetic separation of organic components in biorefinery processes (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Scenario analysis of the intermodal market in Germany
IKEA Freight Service AB, Helsingborg (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Thesis work: Design and development of the vigor wave energy converter prototype (inaktivt) |
2010-11-16 | Programming Optimisation and Processor Evaluation (inaktivt) |
2010-11-12 | Mobile phones can be used as traffic safety support devices (inaktivt) |
2010-11-10 | Development of graphene-based transparent conductive nanocomposite (inaktivt) |
2010-11-08 | Water content quantification from Medical Images (inaktivt) |
2010-11-05 | Driving history facilitate better understanding of driver behavior in relation to in-vehicle active safety systems (inaktivt) |
2010-11-04 | Development of a control systems for semi-active shock absorbers to a car (inaktivt) |
2010-10-25 | Master Thesis Work at Saab Automobile
Influence on driving style and fuel consumption with powertrain calibration. (inaktivt) |
2010-10-25 | Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Electrical System Defects (inaktivt) |
2010-10-11 | Distributed software for large-scale gene expression analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-10-11 | A graphical user interface for large-scale gene expression analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-10-08 | Vibration Stability for Components (inaktivt) |
2010-10-07 | Developing of an Enterprise Architecture tool based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (inaktivt) |
2010-10-05 | Development of a Prototype System for Milling Tool Condition Monitoring (inaktivt) |
2010-10-04 | CCF Probability approach thesis application (inaktivt) |
2010-10-04 | Driver Behavior Model Estimation (inaktivt) |
2010-10-04 | Emission Modeling and Simulation-based Traffic Environment Management (inaktivt) |
2010-09-29 | Film forming environmentally benign corrosion inhibitions (inaktivt) |
2010-09-27 | Master Thesis: Noise cancellation in mobile phones (inaktivt) |
2010-09-27 | Porting Linux to a Hypervisor Based Embedded System (inaktivt) |
2010-09-23 | Embedded software for precision flow metering instrument (inaktivt) |
2010-09-22 | Master project in Chemistry
“Development of Microarray of Chemically Modified Electrodes for in-vivo analysis”
Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (inaktivt) |
2010-09-22 | Datorbaserat testsystem för mätning av antenndiagram (inaktivt) |
2010-09-22 | Switched Capacitor Amplifier Design for Radar Baseband Processing (inaktivt) |
2010-09-22 | Component Design for 100 GS/s ADC (inaktivt) |
2010-09-21 | Exjobb på NASDAQ OMX (inaktivt) |
2010-09-20 | Evaluation of Volvo Packaging Footprint (inaktivt) |
2010-09-16 | Indoor Positioning using Fused Information from Wireless Sensor Networks (inaktivt) |
2010-09-10 | Thesis project/ Studentuppsats: Daily management of a service organization - in change towards excellence
IKEA AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-09-08 | Development and characterization of a hydrocolloid/nanoparticle system for a triggered release (inaktivt) |
2010-09-07 | Market study for an energy saving solution in ventilation (inaktivt) |
2010-09-02 | Master Thesis: An analysis of mobile packet data traffic for modeling of evolving 3G and 4G service load (inaktivt) |
2010-08-27 | Evaluate and Investigate Pro-cognitive Substances (inaktivt) |
2010-08-26 | Master Thesis: Development of Simulation Tool and New Tracking Algorithms for Radio Occultation Receivers. (inaktivt) |
2010-08-26 | Employee Value Proposition - Kartlägning i SAS (inaktivt) |
2010-08-25 | Development and implementation of a scoring algorithm for a karaoke game (inaktivt) |
2010-08-24 | Indoor positioning for mobile phones (inaktivt) |
2010-08-20 | Ex-job/thesis work: Raw Material Purchasing
IKEA Components, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-08-20 | Ex-job/thesis work: Purchase Market Analyze
IKEA Components, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-08-19 | Thesis project: Develop a study for an IKEA product using the concept of design for manufacturing.
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-08-16 | Development of Artificial Ribonucleases (inaktivt) |
2010-08-16 | Framtagande av metod för kontinuerlig mätning av luft-luft-värmepumpars prestanda i fält. / Development of a method for continous mewasurement of air-air heat pumps performance in the field. (inaktivt) |
2010-08-10 | New internship position for Programmers in Uppsala - fall 2010 (inaktivt) |
2010-08-02 | Solar Energy in Developing Countries (inaktivt) |
2010-07-09 | Thesis project/ Student assignment: Cost Analyzes Appliances
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-07-06 | Thesis work - Optimisation of study design and statistical analysis of cardiovascular and electrophysiological parameters (inaktivt) |
2010-07-05 | Hur miljöanpassad är en miljömärkt dator? (inaktivt) |
2010-07-02 | Thesis project: Calculation of parasol base weights
IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-07-02 | Scalable traversal of NAT (inaktivt) |
2010-07-02 | Evaluate tools and services for Customer Support (inaktivt) |
2010-07-01 | Development of a software for Reliability activities at Volvo Powertrain (inaktivt) |
2010-06-29 | Möjligheter och nytta att i CAD/utvecklingsmiljön återanvända PLM/produktbeskrivningens variant- och tidsvillkor (inaktivt) |
2010-06-23 | Design of a mobile application for control of charging and visualisation of energy consumption for electric cars (inaktivt) |
2010-06-23 | Design of a user friendly charging cable for electric cars (inaktivt) |
2010-06-23 | Master thesis in gene technology at KTH: Development of a specialized cell (inaktivt) |
2010-06-21 | Master theses: Stability analyses of gravity dams with probability-based design procedure (inaktivt) |
2010-06-14 | Thesis project: Stress distribution in mechanical dampers
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-06-11 | Thesis project: Ocean Flow Modeling: Routing Optimization
IKEA Transport Global, Helsingborg (inaktivt) |
2010-06-10 | Methods for highly efficient packet generation (inaktivt) |
2010-06-10 | Processing solutions for high performance in combination with specific radar algorithms (inaktivt) |
2010-06-10 | A Benchmark of the CFD open source code OpenFOAM for heat transfer in sub-cooled boiling bubbly two-phase flow (inaktivt) |
2010-06-09 | Studie av Winter-Kennedy metoden för flödesmätning i vattenturbiner. (inaktivt) |
2010-06-09 | Principal Components and Pattern Recognition of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves (inaktivt) |
2010-06-09 | Analys av hydrauliska mätningar på vattenvägarna i vattenkraftstationer (inaktivt) |
2010-06-09 | Analys av lageregenskaper utifrån mätningar i testrigg. (inaktivt) |
2010-06-07 | Thesis work - Genetically encoded regulable imaging reporters for in vivo cell localisation (inaktivt) |
2010-06-04 | Master of Science Thesis: Model-based tool integration with Modelbus (inaktivt) |
2010-06-02 | The influence of emulsifiers on fat bloom development on chocolate (inaktivt) |
2010-05-31 | Thesis work —Mechanistic studies on the pathways leading to covalent binding of drug molecules to protein targets (inaktivt) |
2010-05-31 | Thesis project: How to measure total cost when failing in performance
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-05-31 | Thesis project: Energy mapping – best practice
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-05-31 | Thesis project: KPIs for Sustainability
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-05-31 | Thesis project: Scan the market to find suitable complaint management system.
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-05-27 | Development of a control system for semi-active shock absorbers to a car (inaktivt) |
2010-05-24 | Energy efficient storage of biomass at Vattenfall heat and power plants (inaktivt) |
2010-05-24 | Analyze Supplier Cluster development potentials and define implementation steps (inaktivt) |
2010-05-21 | Mobile Application Recommender (inaktivt) |
2010-05-19 | Datorbaserat testsystem för mätning av antenndiagram (inaktivt) |
2010-05-19 | Utveckling av målpositioneringsutrustning (inaktivt) |
2010-05-17 | Optimisation of a polysaccharide base system for triggered release applications (inaktivt) |
2010-05-07 | Design of optical waveguide for biosensor (inaktivt) |
2010-05-06 | Branched polyethyleneglycol derivatives of defined molecular weight (inaktivt) |
2010-05-04 | Structured 2D/3D material using DNA as building blocks (inaktivt) |
2010-05-04 | Evaluation and Testing of Prototype Battery System (inaktivt) |
2010-05-03 | Model based methods for improved maintainability and safety (inaktivt) |
2010-05-03 | Drug and Stock Management System for Rural areas of developing countries (inaktivt) |
2010-04-27 | Internship position for programmers in Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2010-04-26 | High-speed Tabletop Interaction System: Application Development and User Studies (inaktivt) |
2010-04-23 | Begränsningsrelaterade produktionsförluster
i Vattenfall AB Vattenkrafts storskaliga vattenkraft (inaktivt) |
2010-04-22 | Analysis and methodology development for the analysis of accidents scenario using data from field operational test (inaktivt) |
2010-04-21 | Begränsningsrelaterade produktionsförluster
i Vattenfall AB Vattenkrafts storskaliga vattenkraft (inaktivt) |
2010-04-21 | Product Service System within Integrated Logistic Support (inaktivt) |
2010-04-20 | Enhancement techniques for lane position adaptation (inaktivt) |
2010-04-20 | Ex-job/thesis work: Push open solution
IKEA Components, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-04-16 | Design and implementation of a remote sensing unit for mobile phones using Bluetooth (inaktivt) |
2010-04-16 | A sensor access platform for cross mobile OS use (inaktivt) |
2010-04-14 | Driver behavior model estimation (inaktivt) |
2010-04-14 | Radio Resource Management for M2M communication in LTE (inaktivt) |
2010-04-12 | Dependability Evaluation of Automotive Embedded Electronic Systems (inaktivt) |
2010-04-09 | Vill DU SKAPA den ULTIMATA iPhone/iPad appen. (inaktivt) |
2010-04-07 | Thesis project: Calculation of parasol base weights IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-04-06 | Thesis project: Calculation of parasol base weights
IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-03-31 | Diploma work at YKI:
How to predict the functional properties of lubricants
for Alumina and Steel Rolling (inaktivt) |
2010-03-30 | Cost-effective maintenance of wind power systems (inaktivt) |
2010-03-30 | Magnetic field optimization and development (inaktivt) |
2010-03-18 | New ways of communicating rules and regulations (inaktivt) |
2010-03-16 | Dermal cell interactions with new biomaterials for improved wound healing. (inaktivt) |
2010-03-16 | Web development - price comparison (inaktivt) |
2010-03-15 | Technology development and application for next-generation sequencing of cancer (inaktivt) |
2010-03-15 | Bioinformatics of Next Generation Targeted Re-sequencing
Design and Analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-03-11 | Life cycle perspective on remediation of contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea Region (inaktivt) |
2010-03-08 | Intern Structuring & Analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-03-05 | Object recognition from still camera using OpenCV and Android (inaktivt) |
2010-02-23 | Medicinteknik, Bionics, Robotics (inaktivt) |
2010-02-23 | Web Application Build Management & Quality Assurance (inaktivt) |
2010-02-17 | Internship/Examensarbete/Paris (inaktivt) |
2010-02-16 | Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
A one year diploma work (master student) in collaboration with
YKI, Institute for Surface Chemistry and Stockholm University (inaktivt) |
2010-02-15 | Searching for a master thesis student for a system modeling project in SystemC (inaktivt) |
2010-02-12 | Wind Power Gearbox Reliability (inaktivt) |
2010-02-12 | POLCA-T Plant Data and Model Processing Software (inaktivt) |
2010-02-11 | Machine Learning: Improved Photo Tagging with Relevance Feedback (inaktivt) |
2010-02-05 | Miljö- och prestandakrav (miljömärkning) vid inköp och upphandling i Frankrike (inaktivt) |
2010-02-05 | Miljö- och prestandakrav (miljömärkning) vid inköp och upphandling i Tyskland (inaktivt) |
2010-02-02 | Exploration of indoor positioning for hospitals (inaktivt) |
2010-02-02 | iPhone Application adressing Flight Safety (inaktivt) |
2010-02-02 | Android Phone Integration (inaktivt) |
2010-02-02 | Social TV (inaktivt) |
2010-01-18 | Digital footprint analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-01-13 | Evaluation of the role of a novel adipokine in obesity and metabolic disease (inaktivt) |
2010-01-08 | Master thesis, biosensor technology for pyruvate sensing (30p) (inaktivt) |
2010-01-07 | Thesis: Pre-study on sofa covers
Ikea of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-01-07 | Application development on microfluidic multiple cell patch-clamp system (inaktivt) |
2009-12-29 | Structural biochemistry/biophysics: PP2A as regulator of intracellular protein phosphorylation (inaktivt) |
2009-12-21 | Development of piezo electric polymer fibrers (inaktivt) |
2009-12-21 | Development of a space plug and play interface simulation equipment (inaktivt) |
2009-12-19 | Structural biochemistry/biophysics: PP2A as regulator of intracellular protein phosphorylation (inaktivt) |
2009-12-19 | Kopia av Structural biochemistry/biophysics: PP2A as regulator of intracellular protein phosphorylation (inaktivt) |
2009-12-18 | Internship on the exciting energy sector of wind power (inaktivt) |
2009-12-18 | Strategies for developing Rich Internet applications (inaktivt) |
2009-12-18 | Study of Odometry Solutions for Railway Applications (inaktivt) |
2009-12-18 | Study of Odometry Solutions for Railway Applications (inaktivt) |
2009-12-14 | Impact of climate change on the Göta Älv river water quality, part of EU-Interreg project DiPol (inaktivt) |
2009-12-09 | Marketing and business development (inaktivt) |
2009-12-09 | Eco-Efficiency Analysis (inaktivt) |
2009-12-08 | Smart metering using wireless communication (inaktivt) |
2009-12-07 | Master thesis: 3D Parameterized FEM Modelling of a Piston Ring in a Marine Diesel Engine (inaktivt) |
2009-12-07 | Developing iPhone and Android mobile apps (inaktivt) |
2009-12-07 | Dynamic LCC (inaktivt) |
2009-12-01 | Web programming for Ecoprofile, Swedens largest online community about green transition (inaktivt) |
2009-11-25 | Would you like to contribute to the development of a sustainable aquaculture industry in Scandinavia? (inaktivt) |
2009-11-17 | Development of an Enterprise Architecture Simulator based on a 3d gaming engine (inaktivt) |
2009-08-21 | Impregnering (JH 01) (inaktivt) |
2009-08-06 | Evolution of the ionospheric convection pattern (inaktivt) |
2009-08-06 | Epidemiological study - Infectious diseases contracted abroad compared with unique Swedish travel data (inaktivt) |
2009-07-13 | Implementation av webbaserat kvalitetssystem. (inaktivt) |
2009-07-08 | Echocardiography reporting system (inaktivt) |
2009-06-01 | Development of cultivation medium nutrient cocktail by metabolic reaction network – Part 3 (inaktivt) |
2009-06-01 | Development of process methods for large-scale culture of human embryonic stem cells and bio-engineered platforms that enhance cell proliferation and long-term survival of stem cell derived neurons (inaktivt) |
2009-05-15 | LCA of Electronic Control Unit at Autoliv (inaktivt) |
2009-03-25 | Quality Assessment of Embedded Software Handling in Production (inaktivt) |
2009-03-09 | Proposal for master thesis:
DCT SW Architecture and HWIO
(inaktivt) |
2009-03-06 | Funktion hos glidande upplag för generatorer: laster på omgivande struktur (inaktivt) |
2009-02-27 | 3D geometry sweep in Unigraphics/NX (inaktivt) |
2009-02-18 | Kopia av Cognitive Models for Virtual Characters (inaktivt) |
2009-02-18 | Cognitive Models for Virtual Characters (inaktivt) |
2009-02-18 | Cognitive Models for Virtual Characters (inaktivt) |
2009-01-21 | Simulation SIL for double clutch control development (inaktivt) |
2009-01-21 | Utveckling av e-handelsplattform (inaktivt) |
2008-11-04 | Enterprise Architecture Analysis - Development of a Java based assessment tool (inaktivt) |
2008-10-16 | Saldodifferenser (kr) (inaktivt) |
2008-07-07 | Volvo CE AB Hauler & Lauder Business Line (kr) (inaktivt) |
2008-07-07 | Miljömärkning av byggnader (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | M.Sc. Thesis in Solid Mechanics-Packaging Technology (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Total size distribution of coarse clastic sediment (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | New Methodology for Formulation Shelf-life Stability (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Development of a virtual 3D environment and user inteface implemented in a surgical VR-simulator (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Technology development for high throughput comparative genomic analysis of copy number variations (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Ett flertal EX-JOBB hos Konftel AB (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Digital Data Protection (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Digital Music Track Analysis (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Robot Hand Design and Control (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Tool development (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Mobile solutions (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Teat detection with image processing (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Vattenkraft, hydrologi
(inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | A Master Thesis in Collaboration with Scania
Evaluation of the concept enterprise architecture for usage in IT evolution (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Evaluation of relevance and family-friendliness for a number of selected search engines (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Cost benefit assessment of a
weather forecasting system for asset management at Fortum Distribution
(inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Ämnesområde: Vattenkraft, hydrologi. (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Förgasning - en teknik för ökad elproduktion med svåreldade bränslen?
(inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Multilateral Trading Facility - Design and Development of Database Architecture (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Environmental effects of transportation from a logistic point of view (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Future Visualization Technologies (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Development of a web-based security training (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | En analys metod för genomtryck för Offset tryck/Characterization of print through in Offset (inaktivt) |
2008-05-15 | A zebrafish model to study tumor angiogenesis and growth (inaktivt) |
2008-05-15 | Angiogenesis and obesity (inaktivt) |
2008-05-15 | Angiogenesis and obesity (inaktivt) |
2008-05-15 | A zebrafish model to study tumor angiogenesis and growth (inaktivt) |
2008-04-17 | Search for Dark Matter with gamma-ray satellite GLAST (inaktivt) |
2008-04-17 | Quickcheck, Nbap Message Construction (inaktivt) |
2008-04-17 | ASP.NET programming in Gothenburg (inaktivt) |
2008-02-26 | Simulation SIL for double clutch control development (inaktivt) |
2008-02-22 | Degree Projects in Web2.0 (inaktivt) |
2008-02-06 | The role of DNA damage and repair in desiccation-tolerant tardigrades (Björndjur) (inaktivt) |
2008-02-06 | Examensarbete: Virtual Meeting Services (inaktivt) |
2008-02-06 | RF front end for atmospheric radar (inaktivt) |
2008-02-06 | Image processing software (inaktivt) |
2008-02-04 | Torque and Temperature estimator for an AWD clutch (inaktivt) |
2008-01-29 | Stabilisering av förorenade muddermassor med alternativa material (inaktivt) |
2008-01-28 | Degree Projects in Web2.0 (inaktivt) |
2008-01-25 | Development of industrially viable activation routes for a number of new labile surfactant precursors (inaktivt) |
2008-01-25 | Controlled release of flavour-,
aroma- and pharmaceutical substances
- development and technical verification of a new concept
(inaktivt) |
2008-01-22 | Using Wii motion sensing controls for industrial applications (aw) (inaktivt) |
2008-01-21 | The influence from molecular weight on the weld strength in polyethylene (inaktivt) |
2008-01-18 | Material Development Anorganic Composite Material
(inaktivt) |
2008-01-08 | Using Model or Data Driven design to improve automatic testing. (inaktivt) |
2008-01-07 | Control and system evaluation of a hydraulic linear actuator (inaktivt) |
2008-01-04 | Master Thesis Work on Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines (inaktivt) |
2007-12-21 | Modelling of the neutral gas flow in a high power pulsed magnetron (inaktivt) |
2007-12-21 | Comparing two techniques for measuring the electric field in a high-power pulsed magnetron. (inaktivt) |
2007-12-20 | New Methodology for Formulation Shelf-life Stability (inaktivt) |
2007-12-17 | Mobile phone web application (inaktivt) |
2007-12-12 | Analysis of IEC 61850 adoption challenges, and development of training package (inaktivt) |
2007-12-05 | Degree projects in Web 2.0, databases, cell phone application etc. (inaktivt) |
2007-11-22 | Differentialkoncept för hjullastare (kr) (inaktivt) |
2007-11-22 | Characterization of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-4 in tissue repair, inflammation and cancer (inaktivt) |
2007-11-19 | Front-end development (inaktivt) |
2007-11-13 | Characterization of on-chip inductors and power transformers (inaktivt) |
2007-11-12 | Mirroring Digital Identities (two proposals) (inaktivt) |
2007-11-01 | Marketing survey - payment services (inaktivt) |
2007-10-24 | Novel ceramic materials for encapsulation of (micro)organisms (inaktivt) |
2007-10-22 | Development of sustainable fillers in paper (inaktivt) |
2007-10-18 | MSc degree diploma works at Holmen Paper, connected to new TMP-mill project at Braviken Paper Mill (inaktivt) |
2007-10-18 | Sustainable Development - hur ska Cardo Group arbeta med miljö, etik och mångfald i framtiden? (ref 2006002) (inaktivt) |
2007-10-05 | Fylgia - Quality-oriented software development (inaktivt) |
2007-10-02 | Search Engine Thesaurus
- Master Thesis at SixSteps AB
(inaktivt) |
2007-10-02 | Atlas Copco Secoroc New Connections (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-09-25 | Fyllningdammars förmåga att tåla överströmning (inaktivt) |
2007-09-25 | Master of Science Thesis Work – Model Based Development (inaktivt) |
2007-09-24 | Insect Behaviour/Chemical Ecology- Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2007-09-24 | Image processing software (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Post-consumer tyre granulation: products and applications (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Cellular Radio System Simulator Optimization (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | IPTV Viewer Activation Platform (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | IPTV Messaging Tool for Advertising (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Development and implementation of real-time architecture and framework for stabilized satellite terminal (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Development of solid-state catalytic filters for enhancement of the performance of field effect based gas sensors (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Image processing software (inaktivt) |
2007-09-17 | Master Thesis Project: Graphical Lineup for Freekick.org (inaktivt) |
2007-09-10 | Master of Science Thesis Work – Embedded Linux and TCP/IP communication (inaktivt) |
2007-09-06 | Diploma Work – Synthesis of rapid curing silicone materials for use in wound healing (inaktivt) |
2007-09-04 | Enterprise architecture analysis - development of a Java based assessment tool (inaktivt) |
2007-09-03 | Mechanical Engineering Thesis Writting/Internship (inaktivt) |
2007-08-27 | Design and Implementation of a Patient Database to Support a Cancer Research Project (inaktivt) |
2007-08-23 | Characterization of a novel metalloproteinase (MMP) and a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) in tissue repair, inflammation and cancer (inaktivt) |
2007-08-21 | Minimising the sulphur content of kraft lignin (inaktivt) |
2007-08-17 | Development of (DMA) method to characterize viscoelastic properties of board (20p) (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | Development of Antennas for tomorrows Production technology (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | Webbdesign/front-end development (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | Thesis work in IPTV and Data Communication (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | An agent-based environment for discovery and composition of simulation components (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | An agent-based environment for discovery and composition of simulation components (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | Studie av möjlighet till ny relativ metod för flödesbestämning inom vattenkraft
Ämnesområde: Vattenkraft, Produktionsplanering
(inaktivt) |
2007-08-13 | Utveckling och lansering av ny produktgrupp - Internationell marknadsföring och försäljning. (inaktivt) |
2007-08-10 | IPTV set-top box GUI engine (inaktivt) |
2007-08-10 | IPTV Application Development Platform (inaktivt) |
2007-08-09 | Global Thesis project: eCollaboration strategy for IT Services in AstraZeneca (inaktivt) |
2007-07-19 | Competitive Analysis (inaktivt) |
2007-07-19 | Creation of Educational ergonomic online video (inaktivt) |
2007-07-19 | Online Educational program for ergonomic products (inaktivt) |
2007-07-06 | Automatisering/förenkling av mätsystem (inaktivt) |
2007-07-06 | Articulated Hauler - Boogie (inaktivt) |
2007-06-30 | In-situ TEM force sensor/Nanoindenter - MEMS sensor development (inaktivt) |
2007-06-28 | Theoretical study of the magnetic separation of bio-functionalized nanoparticles in microfluidics channels (inaktivt) |
2007-06-28 | Cooling of an integrated magnetic sensor by using microfluidics channels (inaktivt) |
2007-06-25 | Design and Implementation of Bluetooth algorithms (inaktivt) |
2007-06-15 | Modularization of routing protocols (inaktivt) |
2007-06-15 | Modularization of routing protocols (inaktivt) |
2007-06-15 | Network systems interconnection (inaktivt) |
2007-06-14 | Applying Knowledge Based Engineering to manage Aftermarket requirements (inaktivt) |
2007-06-12 | Development of a Surface Chemical Formulation Tool (inaktivt) |
2007-06-04 | Image processing software (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | CAD Human Modeling in Production Ergonomics (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | Evaluation and implementation of mathematical models for train diagnostics (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | Investigation of software architectures for development of web clients (inaktivt) |
2007-05-29 | Define and develop of software tools for system verification (inaktivt) |
2007-05-22 | Security Evaluation of ’Single Sign-On’ Solution (inaktivt) |
2007-05-22 | Alternaria species and other moulds infecting Swedish grain at harvest (inaktivt) |
2007-05-21 | Available position for Master Thesis work in the area of Windows Mobile for Smartphones (inaktivt) |
2007-05-15 | Define and develop of software tools for system verification (inaktivt) |
2007-05-13 | WCDMA Uplink Enhancement with Time Division Multiplexing (inaktivt) |
2007-05-11 | Eventplanner - Development of an event planning tool (inaktivt) |
2007-05-11 | Realtime visualization and development of a user interface for motion capture applications (inaktivt) |
2007-05-11 | Inactivation of pathogens in toilet waste (inaktivt) |
2007-05-10 | Image processing software (inaktivt) |
2007-05-02 | Biogas residues as fertilizers – effects on plant growth, soil microbiology, and emission of green house gases (inaktivt) |
2007-04-16 | Visual search patterns in digital games (inaktivt) |
2007-04-16 | Diagnostics Structural Algorithms using RODON (inaktivt) |
2007-04-12 | Chlamydiae - how to trace who has been with whom. An unsexy task about sexual infections (inaktivt) |
2007-04-04 | Portering av övervakningsverktyget MAMon till Eclipse (inaktivt) |
2007-04-04 | DIPLOMA PROJECTS IN POLYMER MATERIALS (5 different proposals)
(inaktivt) |
2007-03-29 | Microbial population dynamics in fermented pig feed (inaktivt) |
2007-03-28 | A team member to develop a performance test tool (inaktivt) |
2007-03-16 | Investigation of automatic verification of distributed databases at MOBEON (inaktivt) |
2007-03-12 | Monitoring yeast- lactic acid bacteria in industrial ethanol production: Development of molecular quantification methods (inaktivt) |
2007-03-09 | Pipeline management and Efficiency in R&D (inaktivt) |
2007-03-07 | Fate of plant pathogens during production of biogas as biofuel (inaktivt) |
2007-03-01 | Process and tools for market-driven software product planning (inaktivt) |
2007-03-01 | Real-time 2D-to-3D conversion for a 3D display through FPGA implementation (inaktivt) |
2007-03-01 | Master Thesis at Nanoradio AB in Kista (inaktivt) |
2007-03-01 | Development of computational software for studies of nanoparticle properties (inaktivt) |
2007-02-23 | Beräkning av strömningsförhållanden uppströms Laxede damm (inaktivt) |
2007-02-22 | Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning vid ombyggnad av dammar (inaktivt) |
2007-02-19 | Holographic Screen Development (inaktivt) |
2007-02-12 | Development of SW drivers on a microcontroller (inaktivt) |
2007-02-09 | Presentation av driftdata från databas: programutveckling för dataanalys med utgångspunkt från användarbeteende (inaktivt) |
2007-02-09 | Konceptutveckling av modell för webboptimering.
Koncept development for webb search algoritms (inaktivt) |
2007-02-07 | Drug Delivery Systems for Poorly Soluble Drug Substances (inaktivt) |
2007-02-05 | Eco-efficiency (inaktivt) |
2007-02-02 | Development of new treatment strategies for allergic disease (inaktivt) |
2007-02-01 | WCET Analysis and Certification of Automatically Generated Code
for CC-Systems AB (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-02-01 | Develop Mobile and PC Community Portals using the latest technology (inaktivt) |
2007-01-31 | Development of standardized built-in GSM antenna for non handset products (inaktivt) |
2007-01-26 | Further development of the Slot matching concept for internal handset antennas (inaktivt) |
2007-01-25 | Development of measurement system for small antennas (inaktivt) |
2007-01-22 | Multiple Thesis at Densitet - Mobile Solutions (inaktivt) |
2007-01-12 | Markstabilisering med alternativa material (inaktivt) |
2007-01-12 | Browser-based Mobile TV (inaktivt) |
2007-01-08 | Multimedia services development based on web2.0 (inaktivt) |
2007-01-02 | WHYDAN och AcademiaLive söker framtidens IT-utvecklare för JAVA projekt (inaktivt) |
2006-12-21 | Interactive UI development using SVG (inaktivt) |
2006-12-21 | Study of the Development and Performance of FPGA-based Communication Applications (inaktivt) |
2006-12-21 | Market analysis and study of Swedish market for dry fruit products (inaktivt) |
2006-12-13 | Experimental testing of an ion fraction meter (inaktivt) |
2006-11-30 | Master Thesis at Cypress Security, San Francisco (inaktivt) |
2006-11-17 | Degree Projects related to Life Sciences
(including Biomedical informatics) (inaktivt) |
2006-10-31 | WATTCH... Less is more: Influencing consumer energy behaviour through service innovation (inaktivt) |
2006-10-31 | Static analysis of xtUML models (inaktivt) |
2006-10-30 | Design of mobile On Device Portal (inaktivt) |
2006-10-24 | How to build a strategic e-business framework for the unknown changes?
(inaktivt) |
2006-10-04 | Mixtures of fatty acids (inaktivt) |
2006-09-21 | Locust demonstrator (inaktivt) |
2006-09-15 | AUTOSAR Reference Implementation (aw) (inaktivt) |
2006-09-13 | Development of measurement method, 10-20p. (inaktivt) |
2006-09-08 | Measurement and analysis of light absorption in GaN-based material and its use in detectors and modulators (inaktivt) |
2006-09-08 | Development of security token services for Grids (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Commercialization and Exploitation of European Health Portal for Sleep Disorders (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Development of an Altera Nios II Model
for the Nocsim NoC Simulator (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Development of a C Interface for a
Nocsim NoC Simulator Resource (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Development and Evaluation of a Memory Consistency and
Cache Coherence Protocol for the Nocsim NoC Simulator (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Diploma work on determination of diffusion rates directly in the microscope using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Exportens betydelse för regional BNP (inaktivt) |
2006-08-31 | Master of Science Thesis Work –
Implementation of Battery Management Unit (inaktivt) |
2006-08-31 | Master of Science Thesis Work – ODEEP software development (inaktivt) |
2006-08-15 | Multiplayer casual gaming for IPTV (inaktivt) |
2006-08-02 | Digital Asset Management and Distribution of Audio to the Media Industry (inaktivt) |
2006-06-20 | Development of a program (written in Haskell) that visualizes a live animation of a network simulation (dynamic flow of packets) (inaktivt) |
2006-06-12 | Development of a Project Management Quality System. (inaktivt) |
2006-05-24 | Development of an interactive network game with pedagogic purpose (inaktivt) |
2006-05-22 | MIMO for Mobile Broadband: Modelling and Performance Analysis (inaktivt) |
2006-04-25 | Thesis work at Ericsson Access Signal Processing Lab (inaktivt) |
2006-04-25 | Advanced Geometry Simulation and development for Flexible Tooling (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Infrastructures for System Intelligence (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Implementation of a Simple System for Real-Time Security Monitoring of Computers and Networks (inaktivt) |
2006-04-19 | Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: new roles for the cholesterol sensing receptor, Liver X Receptor (LXR) (inaktivt) |
2006-04-11 | Prototype development of new chart plotting technology (inaktivt) |
2006-04-05 | Develop a solution that creates a deep image on a 3D display based on input from a number of 2D images (inaktivt) |
2006-04-05 | Detail study of a dynamic module for Affordable Reconfigurable Tooling (inaktivt) |
2006-03-13 | FFT and Wavelets implementation (FPGA) (inaktivt) |
2006-03-06 | Design and Implementation of a Security Policy in a Distributed System (inaktivt) |
2006-02-28 | Molecular characterisation of the microbial community in moist cereal grain storage (inaktivt) |
2006-02-23 | Prototype development of new chart plotting technology (inaktivt) |
2006-02-14 | Development of a production environment tool for the routine analysis of Drug-Event associations in the WHO drug safety database (inaktivt) |
2006-02-06 | Analysis and Implementation of a Data Collection Tool for use in live experiments (inaktivt) |
2006-02-06 | Electricity from wastewater - Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Prissättningsstrategier - reservdelar och eftermarknad (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Broadband Mobile Convergence (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | 3D-GIS: Återkoppling från realtids-3D till GIS-databaser (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | 3D Standarder (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | 3D Standarder (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Licensiering (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Development of a Virtual Reality tool for site surveying during the placement of new IKEA stores (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | EON som spelplattform (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Many users (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Gränssnitt Dali (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Ex-jobs at Chalmers: Tangible User Interfaces (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Sources and distribution of ammonium in the Red River delta aquifers by isotope studies (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Characterization of a novel metalloproteinase in tissue repair,
inflammation and cancer
(inaktivt) |
2006-01-26 | 3D-GIS: Återkopppling från realtids-3D till GIS-databaser (inaktivt) |
2006-01-25 | A Generic Platform for High Speed
Real-Time Analog-to-Digital Interfaces (inaktivt) |
2006-01-25 | User Interface EON Visualiser (inaktivt) |
2006-01-18 | A detection system for the highest energy subatomic particles in the universe (inaktivt) |
2005-12-28 | Utveckling av en client/server-tjänst för att undersöka fragmenteringen vad gäller TCP/IP-implementationen inom J2ME på mobiltelefoner (inaktivt) |
2005-12-05 | Sensing biological reactions using magnetic nanoparticles (inaktivt) |
2005-11-28 | Thesis work description. Software metrics and improved testing process (aw) (inaktivt) |
2005-11-24 | A workflow-based system for computer-assisted design of oligonucleotide probes (inaktivt) |
2005-11-24 | Finite element modelling of mechanical properties of geometrically characterized wood fibres (inaktivt) |
2005-11-24 | Analysis of mice with a P3 deletion in the DCC gene (inaktivt) |
2005-11-16 | Improved Testing Strategy for .Net-development (AW) (inaktivt) |
2005-11-15 | Test and optimization of semiconductor detectors and electronics for high-energy physics (inaktivt) |
2005-11-15 | We look for students with good ideas on how ICT (mobile telephony and Internet) can help development in developing countries. (inaktivt) |
2005-11-08 | Development of a Time-efficient Simulation Algorithm for MEMS Electrostatic Actuators
(inaktivt) |
2005-11-07 | Automatic Service Information Generator (inaktivt) |
2005-10-17 | Marketing Strategy and Commercialization of innovative telemedicine solution TeleMedIS (inaktivt) |
2005-09-27 | Förslag till examensarbete från BAE Systems Bofors (inaktivt) |
2005-09-19 | Demonstration Vehicle (inaktivt) |
2005-09-13 | FFT and Wavelets implementation (FPGA) (inaktivt) |
2005-09-12 | Implementation of Dependable Platform (inaktivt) |
2005-08-29 | Ex-jobs at Chalmers: Tangible User Interfaces (inaktivt) |
2005-08-16 | Development and commercial evaluation of trust mechanisms for large electronic service architechtures (inaktivt) |
2005-08-16 | Development and commercial evaluation of trust mechanisms for large electronic service architechtures (inaktivt) |
2005-08-16 | Analys av optimeringsmetod vid automatisk schemaläggning (inaktivt) |
2005-08-08 | Implementation of an embedded Linux framework combining a multimedia acccelerator with an OMAP application processor (inaktivt) |
2005-07-22 | Merging and comparison of RLS- and DHT-based resource indexing and management (inaktivt) |
2005-07-04 | Entertainment Applications for IPTV using SDL (inaktivt) |
2005-07-04 | Video Telephony for IPTV clients (inaktivt) |
2005-06-29 | Design of an experimental device to form paper sheets - Making sheets with reproducible defects in fibre orientation
(inaktivt) |
2005-06-17 | Brush Painting Algorithms
(inaktivt) |
2005-06-15 | Computational mapping of protease binding sites (inaktivt) |
2005-06-15 | Commercialization and marketing of European Health Portal ENN-ICS (inaktivt) |
2005-06-08 | Examensarbete i Molekylärgenetik 20 p
Role of chromatin modifications in controlling cell growth
(inaktivt) |
2005-06-08 | CORBA/JAVA xDSL-system interface (inaktivt) |
2005-05-30 | Multispectral auroral imager (inaktivt) |
2005-05-13 | Market study: Services related to industrial gas supply in the pharmaceutical production (inaktivt) |
2005-05-04 | Utveckla program som möjliggör att OpenGL-applikationer kan visas på en ny typ av 3D-skärm (inaktivt) |
2005-04-28 | An XML-based database of molecular pathways. (inaktivt) |
2005-04-22 | Utveckla och konstruera en digital handelsplats för tid inom det Europeiska näringslivet (inaktivt) |
2005-04-22 | Photo Color Adjustment, Enhancement and Correction (inaktivt) |
2005-04-20 | Internship for drawing up a dissemination plan (inaktivt) |
2005-04-06 | Dynamic of flat shell elements (inaktivt) |
2005-03-31 | Methods to control for confounding variables in screening for associations in the WHO drug safety database (inaktivt) |
2005-03-31 | Methods to control for confounding variables in screening for associations in the WHO drug safety database (inaktivt) |
2005-03-15 | Linux development of security solutions for embedded processor in mobile phones (inaktivt) |
2005-03-10 | A relational database for molecular pathways based on XML-data. (inaktivt) |
2005-02-25 | Evaluation of RT-Linux for mobile measurement systems (inaktivt) |
2005-02-24 | Spektroskopisk karaktärisering av substanser, produkter och excipienter med syfte att generera en databas för kemometrisk utvärdering (inaktivt) |
2005-02-22 | 3D-GIS: Återkoppling från realtids-3D till GIS-databaser (inaktivt) |
2005-02-22 | Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica. Studies on sources, mobility controls, and near-surface environmental impact (inaktivt) |
2005-02-09 | Automatic Regression Tests of a Message Based Telecom Software Application (inaktivt) |
2005-02-07 | Melt flow control in a continous casting process (gh) (inaktivt) |
2005-02-04 | Reuse of plastic materials in product and packaging at Ericsson (inaktivt) |
2005-01-19 | Design and Implementation of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) (inaktivt) |
2005-01-19 | DNA-repair proteins that recognize damage induced by ultrasound (inaktivt) |
2005-01-19 | Tracking the Tiny - 3D-recording of odour-mediated upwind flight in insects (inaktivt) |
2005-01-13 | Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica. Studies on sources, mobility controls, and near-surface environmental impact (inaktivt) |
2005-01-12 | Optimering av överföring av 3D renderade bilder över internet
(inaktivt) |
2005-01-11 | Implementation of BIST on a FPGA-based Radio Test Platform (inaktivt) |
2004-12-16 | Design and Implementation of a Laboratory Information Management System
(LIMS) (inaktivt) |
2004-12-09 | Methods to control for confounding variables in screening for associations in the WHO drug safety database (inaktivt) |
2004-12-01 | Visualisering på internet av dockning av molekyler (inaktivt) |
2004-11-29 | Development project: Restaurant automation - SKF AB (inaktivt) |
2004-11-12 | Methods to control for confounding variables in screening for associations in the WHO drug safety database (inaktivt) |
2004-11-04 | Konverterare från ReadSoft Forms dataformat till Prifloat. (inaktivt) |
2004-10-19 | MSc. or BSc. thesis at SEI¿s Water Program using WEAP (inaktivt) |
2004-10-04 | Master of Science Thesis Work - Automated Test Systems
(inaktivt) |
2004-10-04 | Master of Science Thesis Work ¿ Development Kit for Dependable Platform
(inaktivt) |
2004-09-29 | Data redundancy ¿ the new challenge in chemometrics (inaktivt) |
2004-09-29 | Modelling and analysis of high order chemical data (inaktivt) |
2004-09-03 | Avancerad bildbehandling och programmering (inaktivt) |
2004-08-25 | Produktlansering: Strategi, genomförande och uppföljning (inaktivt) |
2004-06-29 | PHAGE AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS (inaktivt) |
2004-06-18 | Monte Carlo simulation of the light scattering from a network of paper fibres (inaktivt) |
2004-06-14 | Applications and Services for Networked Home Entertainment (inaktivt) |
2004-04-30 | Accuracy of Duct Flow Calculations (inaktivt) |
2004-04-13 | Loop Qualification for Broadband Access (inaktivt) |
2004-03-26 | Feromoner vinner mark (inaktivt) |
2004-03-26 | The role of non-coding regulatory RNA in the development of Dictyostelium discoideum (inaktivt) |
2004-02-23 | Modelling and design of photonic crystal-based optical integrated circuits (inaktivt) |
2004-02-18 | Game developer for mobile phones (inaktivt) |
2004-02-10 | Market Study - Business Process Analysis and Strategic Positioning of a Business Support System in the Mobile Telecom Wholesale Industry
(inaktivt) |
2004-02-06 | The effect of freeze-drying and granulation on the swelling properties of polymers (inaktivt) |
2004-02-06 | Research DMPK (inaktivt) |
2004-02-06 | Peptide mapping by capillary/standard LC/MS and multivariate analysis (inaktivt) |
2004-02-06 | Development of a LC system for trapping and enrichment of related impurities prior to analysis by MS or NMR (inaktivt) |
2004-02-06 | An evaluation of a new concept for UV detection likely to have a large impact on the way that we are working with LC (inaktivt) |
2004-02-02 | Interface to an industrial robot (inaktivt) |
2004-02-02 | Identification and development of dipeptide ligands (inaktivt) |
2004-01-26 | New techniques for analysing film splitting in offset printing (inaktivt) |
2004-01-07 | Graphics Algorithms: Object Selection (inaktivt) |
2004-01-07 | Surt, sa rönnbärsmalen när den bet i äpplet (inaktivt) |
2003-12-04 | Isolation of compounds that inhibit fibrosis and tumor stroma formation and optimalization of drug delivery (inaktivt) |
2003-12-04 | Maturation of bloodvessels in vitro and in vivo (inaktivt) |
2003-12-04 | Gene therapeutic approach for studying fibrosis and blood vessel formation in the body (inaktivt) |
2003-12-04 | Isolation of stemcells that lead to cells with a fibrotic phenotype-defining the pericyte/fibroblast lineage (inaktivt) |
2003-11-14 | Grafik- och animationsmotor
(inaktivt) |
2003-11-14 | Pegylation of proteins: investigation of coupling techniques (inaktivt) |
2003-11-14 | The effect of viral clearance techniques on protein quality (inaktivt) |
2003-10-30 | A new hydrophobisation agent (inaktivt) |
2003-10-07 | 3D-Realtidsskuggor på volymetriska objekt (inaktivt) |
2003-09-17 | CD-bränning och grafikkodning (inaktivt) |
2003-09-17 | Development of a mailroom system (inaktivt) |
2003-09-12 | Engineering of patterned surfaces with new inkjet techniques (inaktivt) |
2003-09-11 | Market analysis of the global biosensor market (inaktivt) |
2003-09-08 | Surface chemistry studies of froth dynamics and structures (inaktivt) |
2003-09-08 | Dendrimers as flocculation agents (inaktivt) |
2003-08-26 | Further development of WiGID, a genome information database accessable through WAP (inaktivt) |
2003-08-20 | Molecular interactions between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), pathogenic
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) (inaktivt) |
2003-06-26 | Genome-wide analysis of developmentally controlled gene expression in a differentiating prokaryote (inaktivt) |
2003-06-13 | Creep cavitation and microstructural degradation in Type 347H (inaktivt) |
2003-06-13 | Optical communication systems and networks (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands) (inaktivt) |
2003-06-13 | Diamond as a Biosensor Material (inaktivt) |
2003-05-28 | NDE of heat and fatigue damages in CFRP composite laminates. (inaktivt) |
2003-05-27 | Developing novel methods for high-throughput scoring of gene variation in human and animal disease states (inaktivt) |
2003-04-14 | New feature / concepts for dishwashers (inaktivt) |
2003-04-09 | Investigation of catalysts based on non-noble metals for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (inaktivt) |
2003-02-20 | Hybrid cellulose films and their applications in papermaking (inaktivt) |
2003-02-19 | New polymer foam materials and their applications (inaktivt) |
2003-02-17 | Två exjobb: Grafikprogrammering och CD-bränning
(inaktivt) |
2003-01-30 | Computational methods for the analysis and design of photonic crystals in optical integrated circuits (inaktivt) |
2003-01-20 | Molekylära mekanismer vid
blodkärlsnybildning i tumörtillväxt och vid metastasering (inaktivt) |
2003-01-20 | Protein Fold recognition (inaktivt) |
2003-01-17 | SCA Hygiene Products söker exjobbare inom PLC and motion control software development (inaktivt) |
2003-01-07 | Use and function of a viral translation enhancer (inaktivt) |
2002-12-17 | Business Process Analysis and Strategic Positioning of a Business Support System in the Asian Telecom Wholesale Industry (inaktivt) |
2002-12-13 | Market survey for Swedish Software Company within the telecom sector (inaktivt) |
2002-10-15 | Kinetikstudier med Biacore (inaktivt) |
2002-10-14 | Use of filamentous phage to target host immune system against renal cell cancer (RCC) (inaktivt) |