Sökning: "human-computer interaction"

Hittade 45 exjobbsförslag från svenska företag, som innehöll ordet human-computer interaction.

Inkom Exjobbsförslag
2012-02-21Future collaboration and interaction techniques for marine systems (inaktivt)
2011-12-12Thesis Proposal: Visualisation Tool for Sensor Data Fusion for Volvo Technology Corporation (inaktivt)
2011-12-05Environmental costs – how do we get the right price? (inaktivt)
2011-12-05How do companies work with tomorrows cost regarding the environment? (inaktivt)
2011-11-23Control of footstep sounds using real-time motion caption (inaktivt)
2011-11-23Software tool for the real-time generation and control of footstep sounds (inaktivt)
2011-11-23Sound feedback for improving energy consumption in marathon running (inaktivt)
2011-11-23Sound feedback for the optimization of performance in running (inaktivt)
2011-08-29Innovative Health Apps Development (inaktivt)
2011-06-19Android Touch Pads and HTML5 for Healthcare Apps (inaktivt)
2011-03-29Sigma söker exjobbare inom processautomation med BMP (inaktivt)
2011-03-16Human-Robot Dialog for Scene Understanding (inaktivt)
2011-02-25Innovative IT System for HIV clinics in developing countries (inaktivt)
2011-02-24Innovative IT System for maternity clinics in developing countries (inaktivt)
2011-02-11Innovative and Process Oriented Inventory Management System (inaktivt)
2011-01-04Real-time visualization of a simulated heart model (Theis proj 1) (inaktivt)
2010-12-21Biosensor studies on cells (inaktivt)
2010-12-16Användarvänlighet vid iPhone app-utveckling (inaktivt)
2010-12-06Android access control framework (inaktivt)
2010-10-18Programming a Nao robot (inaktivt)
2010-06-04Secure Identification in Social Wireless Networks (inaktivt)
2009-12-29Structural biochemistry/biophysics: PP2A as regulator of intracellular protein phosphorylation (inaktivt)
2009-12-19Structural biochemistry/biophysics: PP2A as regulator of intracellular protein phosphorylation (inaktivt)
2009-12-19Kopia av Structural biochemistry/biophysics: PP2A as regulator of intracellular protein phosphorylation (inaktivt)
2009-12-14Sonification of dental drill in oral surgery simulator (inaktivt)
2009-06-22BSc, MSc, or PhD at the Tabletop Interaction Lab, www.t2i.se at Chalmers TH in Gothenburg, Sweden (inaktivt)
2009-02-20Global forum for communication and information sharing (inaktivt)
2008-01-22Using Wii motion sensing controls for industrial applications (aw) (inaktivt)
2008-01-08Audio Feedback in Automation Systems (aw) (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Investigation of software architectures for development of web clients (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Visual Analytics of hierarchical data (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Visual Analytics of hierarchical data (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Visual Analytics of live data combined with historical data (inaktivt)
2007-05-15Interactive visual analysis of time based network data (inaktivt)
2007-05-14Modelling of the influence of gloss on perceived whiteness (inaktivt)
2007-04-16IDA-exjobb: A study of explanation facilities for a meal planning system and the relation to trust (inaktivt)
2007-01-31The influence of mean gloss level on perceived whiteness (inaktivt)
2006-05-24Development of an interactive network game with pedagogic purpose (inaktivt)
2006-05-03Re-Design and Evaluation of the User Interface of a Meal Planning System (inaktivt)
2005-04-25IDA-exjobb: A design space analysis of user interfaces for a meal planning system for elderly (inaktivt)
2004-06-29PHAGE AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS (inaktivt)
2004-03-26The role of non-coding regulatory RNA in the development of Dictyostelium discoideum (inaktivt)
2003-04-15Searching the function of Escherichia coli glutaredoxin 2 (inaktivt)
2003-03-20Network Centric Simulations (inaktivt)
2003-01-07PHAGE AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS (inaktivt)

Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.