Exjobbsförslag från företag

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Förslaget inkom 2005-01-25

Broad-scale characterisation of River Basin Districts under the EU Water Framework Directive

The EU Water Framework Directive, adopted in 2000, takes an integrated approach to water management, as opposed to earlier, more fragmented and sometimes conflicting, EU water policy. One of the first key steps member states needed to take in order to comply with the directive was to identify river basins, assign them to River Basin Districts (RBDs) and appoint competent authorities to manage the districts. If a river basin extends across international boundaries it should be assigned to an international RBD. The directive encourages member states to ensure cooperation on international RBDs, e.g., by producing joint River Basin Management Plans (RBMP). However it is not, as for national RBDs, a strict legal requirement. An earlier study (Nilsson et al., see http://www.ewaonline.de/journal/online.htm) has shown that 30% of the prospective RBDs are international. Area wise, the international RBDs constitute 66% of the total area of prospective RBDs. Thus, it is quite clear that the number and area of prospective international RBDs are significant. However, the rather ¿soft¿ requirements in the directive regarding international districts risk to undermine the directive¿s intention of joint management according to river basins.

Aim and objectives
There are two main objectives for this master thesis project. The first objective is to update the register of RBDs in Europe (described in Nilsson et al.), especially ensuring the identification of international RBDs. The second objective is to make a characterisation of the (international) RBDs in terms of area, population, land cover etc, with the basis in freely available GIS data on the European or Global scales.

Information for updating the register of RBDs will be collected from the EU Commission DG Environment or through questionnaires to responsible authorities in Member States. The information should be compiled and presented in a GIS.

For the second objective, relevant spatial data need to be collected from public domain GIS data websites; data and information centers; and statistical bureaus. The data must later be harmonised, using GIS softaware, to create a multi-thematic geographic database. Based on the RBDs as spatial units, facts for characterising the districts should be extracted.

Besides a written master thesis report, the outcome should also be a harmonised multi-thematic geographic database.

Desired skills
You should have a background in natural resources management, physical geography or similar. A minimum of 5 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) of GIS knowledge is required, although 10 credits is recommended. Expereince in ESRI software (ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcGIS) is an asset. It might be possible to share this project between two MSc candidates, one more GIS experienced and oriented, and the other more concerned with and interested in Integrated Water Resources Management.


Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.