2012-03-30 | Platform design for volumetric interaction. (inaktivt) |
2012-03-26 | DynP på parallell hårdvara (inaktivt) |
2012-02-21 | Future collaboration and interaction techniques for marine systems (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | Hög tillgänglighet på Microsoftplattformar (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | Undersök passande algoritmer för regelmotor och implementera ett proof-of-concept. (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | Undersök passande algoritmer för regelmotor och implementering av ett proof-of-concept (inaktivt) |
2012-02-09 | Energy payback time for ocean energy (inaktivt) |
2012-02-08 | Process optimization of infrared photodetectors based on InSb quantum dots in InAs matrix (inaktivt) |
2012-01-30 | Analysis and Refinement of Snow Removal Invention (inaktivt) |
2012-01-26 | Mode management in embedded systems in cars (1-2 students) (inaktivt) |
2012-01-10 | Livscykelanalyser och estimeringar på minskade koldioxidutsläpp vid omställning till Beat- produkter inom offentlig sektor (inaktivt) |
2011-12-30 | Examensarbete: Undersök passande algoritmer för regelmotor och implementera ett proof-of-concept. (inaktivt) |
2011-12-30 | Hög tillgänglighet på Microsoftplattformar (inaktivt) |
2011-12-12 | proof-of-concept study: DSP algorithm development for detection of wheel defects on freight trains. (inaktivt) |
2011-12-01 | Mobile Interaction for Process Automation Domain (inaktivt) |
2011-12-01 | Qt quick and necessitas on Android tablet (inaktivt) |
2011-11-29 | Strategier för distribuerad cache för transaktionsintensiva system (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Avancerad cache-hantering för karttjänster mha Carmenta Server (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Platform design for volumetric interaction (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Thesis project: Improve and Secure the Supplier Capacity Process in Greater China (Shanghai, Chenzhen and Qingdao)
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-11-03 | Interaction Design Program in Singapore! (inaktivt) |
2011-11-01 | Stream Reasoning for Situation Detection (inaktivt) |
2011-10-11 | Android based distributed fire detection system (inaktivt) |
2011-08-29 | New camera concept (inaktivt) |
2011-08-26 | Avancerad cache-hantering för karttjänster mha Carmenta Server (inaktivt) |
2011-07-14 | Possibilities and Requirements for Reaching a Centralized Protection and Control System (inaktivt) |
2011-06-23 | Industrial User Experience development (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | DANE - Migration of the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure towards DNS (inaktivt) |
2011-03-28 | App’ar eller ej inom Fleet Management området (inaktivt) |
2011-03-23 | Sealability of paper packaging containing bioplastics and conventional plastics (inaktivt) |
2011-03-23 | High availability application development on Microsoft platforms (inaktivt) |
2011-03-22 | Database techniques to enable very large datasets (inaktivt) |
2011-03-15 | Characterization of type-II GaAs quantum dots grown by migration enhanced epitaxy for long wavelength infrared photodetectors. (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Aeration Machine for Deep Waters of the Baltic (inaktivt) |
2011-01-12 | Machine learning under high intra-class variation with applications to visual object detection (inaktivt) |
2011-01-12 | MASTERS THESIS – SMS TESTING SOLUTION (inaktivt) |
2011-01-07 | Rule engine algorithms and implement a proof of concept (inaktivt) |
2011-01-07 | Database techniques to enable very large datasets (inaktivt) |
2011-01-07 | High availability application development on Microsoft platforms (inaktivt) |
2010-12-08 | Analys av omega-3 fettsyror och vitamin D i siklöja för framtida innovativ fiskprodukt med mervärde. (inaktivt) |
2010-12-06 | FEM-models for pedestrian protection active system (inaktivt) |
2010-12-01 | Misuse objects for pedestrian protection sensing development (inaktivt) |
2010-11-25 | Environmental Catalysis - Catalyst design (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Thesis work: Design and development of the vigor wave energy converter prototype (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Thesis work: Analysis of the vigor wave energy converter prototype (inaktivt) |
2010-11-04 | Development of a control systems for semi-active shock absorbers to a car (inaktivt) |
2010-10-13 | Software eco-system for Life-Cycle-Profit (inaktivt) |
2010-09-07 | Market study for an energy saving solution in ventilation (inaktivt) |
2010-09-02 | Master Thesis: An analysis of mobile packet data traffic for modeling of evolving 3G and 4G service load (inaktivt) |
2010-08-19 | IT och turism (inaktivt) |
2010-08-19 | Thesis project: Develop a study for an IKEA product using the concept of design for manufacturing.
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-07-29 | Java Graphical user interface (GUI) på COBOL-utvecklade produkter (inaktivt) |
2010-06-30 | Smart indoor environment regulation (inaktivt) |
2010-06-21 | Master theses: Stability analyses of gravity dams with probability-based design procedure (inaktivt) |
2010-05-27 | Development of a control system for semi-active shock absorbers to a car (inaktivt) |
2010-04-20 | Enhancement techniques for lane position adaptation (inaktivt) |
2010-04-12 | Dependability Evaluation of Automotive Embedded Electronic Systems (inaktivt) |
2010-03-22 | Youtube for Rural Health Workers in Developing Countries (inaktivt) |
2010-02-19 | Force Feedback and Head Tracking Interaction in the Industrial Domain (inaktivt) |
2010-02-17 | Design for assembly analysis using DELMIA (inaktivt) |
2010-02-11 | Identitet- och åtkomsthantering inom SYSteam (inaktivt) |
2010-02-02 | ADVANCED SCHEDULER SERVICE (inaktivt) |
2010-02-02 | Android Phone Integration (inaktivt) |
2010-01-07 | Messaging applikation i en PND (inaktivt) |
2010-01-07 | Application development on microfluidic multiple cell patch-clamp system (inaktivt) |
2009-12-04 | Web page analyzer (inaktivt) |
2008-07-07 | Volvo CE AB Hauler & Lauder Business Line (kr) (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Marknadsanalys och identifiering av kundsegment för kommersialisering av forskningsresultat inom biotech/functional food (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Text identification on the Internet for global search engine use (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Mobile solutions (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Teat detection with image processing (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | A Master Thesis in Collaboration with Scania
Evaluation of the concept enterprise architecture for usage in IT evolution (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Master Thesis - Automatic Software update using Subversion (inaktivt) |
2008-05-15 | Angiogenesis and obesity (inaktivt) |
2008-05-15 | Angiogenesis and obesity (inaktivt) |
2008-01-28 | Analysis of an improvement of viscous micropump for use in the SMT industry (inaktivt) |
2008-01-25 | Development of industrially viable activation routes for a number of new labile surfactant precursors (inaktivt) |
2008-01-25 | Controlled release of flavour-,
aroma- and pharmaceutical substances
- development and technical verification of a new concept
(inaktivt) |
2008-01-22 | Using Wii motion sensing controls for industrial applications (aw) (inaktivt) |
2008-01-07 | Control and system evaluation of a hydraulic linear actuator (inaktivt) |
2007-10-24 | Novel ceramic materials for encapsulation of (micro)organisms (inaktivt) |
2007-09-18 | LED and fluorescent lamps in signs and general lighting. (inaktivt) |
2007-09-18 | Capacitive measurement method on fluorescent lamps. (inaktivt) |
2007-09-10 | Mobile web browser extensions (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | An agent-based environment for discovery and composition of simulation components (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | An agent-based environment for discovery and composition of simulation components (inaktivt) |
2007-08-13 | Additives for liquid carbon dioxide dry cleaning (inaktivt) |
2007-07-06 | Articulated Hauler - Boogie (inaktivt) |
2007-06-14 | Applying Knowledge Based Engineering to manage Aftermarket requirements (inaktivt) |
2007-05-23 | Code generation and software framework for an embedded X11 server
(inaktivt) |
2007-05-14 | Ex-job – Social & Environmental Issues, IKEA IT (inaktivt) |
2007-05-13 | UE Feedback Optimisation in HSDPA (inaktivt) |
2007-04-16 | Visual search patterns in digital games (inaktivt) |
2007-04-16 | Medical Command and Control in digital games (inaktivt) |
2007-04-16 | Diagnostics Structural Algorithms using RODON (inaktivt) |
2007-04-16 | IDA-exjobb: A study of explanation facilities for a meal planning system and the relation to trust (inaktivt) |
2007-04-04 | Capacitive measurement method on fluorescent lamps (inaktivt) |
2007-04-04 | Diploma project: Pillar gate devices for gas sensing (inaktivt) |
2007-03-05 | Ny videocommunitytjänst (inaktivt) |
2007-02-02 | Development of new treatment strategies for allergic disease (inaktivt) |
2007-01-26 | Further development of the Slot matching concept for internal handset antennas (inaktivt) |
2007-01-22 | Multiple Thesis at Densitet - Mobile Solutions (inaktivt) |
2007-01-08 | Design, refine and evaluate book concept (inaktivt) |
2006-10-30 | Design of mobile On Device Portal (inaktivt) |
2006-10-27 | Symbolic Fault Injection (inaktivt) |
2006-09-13 | Development of measurement method, 10-20p. (inaktivt) |
2006-08-02 | Transceiver module for mobile optical communication (inaktivt) |
2006-05-22 | MIMO for Mobile Broadband: Modelling and Performance Analysis (inaktivt) |
2006-04-25 | Advanced Geometry Simulation and development for Flexible Tooling (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Infrastructures for System Intelligence (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Online ¿ What Open Source Alternatives are there ¿ an Evaluation and Test (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Animations as Carriers of Knowledge (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Designing Interfaces for Complex System Intelligence (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Study of Standards and Implementation of Organizations Security Policy Documents (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Literature Study and Evaluation of Standards for Computer Security System (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Implementation of a Simple System for Real-Time Security Monitoring of Computers and Networks (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Educating Using Online Training ¿ a Novel Approach to PBL (inaktivt) |
2006-04-21 | Educating Technicians ¿ How to Educate Specialists (inaktivt) |
2006-04-11 | Prototype development of new chart plotting technology (inaktivt) |
2006-04-05 | Detail study of a dynamic module for Affordable Reconfigurable Tooling (inaktivt) |
2006-02-08 | Aspect oriented fault tolerance (inaktivt) |
2006-02-01 | Datorspel för äldre (inaktivt) |
2006-01-18 | Short-lived states as bottle necks in small chemical reactions (inaktivt) |
2005-10-19 | Free-space optical communication link with modulator-detector integrated arrays (inaktivt) |
2005-09-19 | Demonstration Vehicle (inaktivt) |
2005-09-12 | Implementation of Dependable Platform (inaktivt) |
2005-01-26 | Voice Messaging (inaktivt) |
2005-01-12 | Imaging with a hard X-ray microscope (inaktivt) |
2004-10-04 | Master of Science Thesis Work - Automated Test Systems
(inaktivt) |
2004-08-09 | Thesis in distributed communication systems for mobile and wired services (inaktivt) |
2004-04-20 | Flow analysis of tangential fan (inaktivt) |
2004-02-06 | An evaluation of a new concept for UV detection likely to have a large impact on the way that we are working with LC (inaktivt) |
2003-12-18 | BTP och SHS - Ida Infront Ab (inaktivt) |
2003-12-15 | Multi protocol message brokering - Ida Infront Ab (inaktivt) |
2003-12-15 | Scientific Visualisation with Haptics using VTK and Reachin API (inaktivt) |
2003-09-30 | Rigid Body Collision in a Haptic Environment (inaktivt) |
2003-09-22 | 3G High Speed Downlink Packet Access performance in Mobile Internet connections (inaktivt) |
2003-09-11 | Regelstyrd Ärendehantering - Ida Infront Ab (inaktivt) |
2003-09-11 | Market analysis of the global biosensor market (inaktivt) |
2003-05-27 | Bestämning av hörnkrympning för rostfria stål (inaktivt) |